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Lykan and Logan in wolf form ^


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"Kyler,Kenny, don't run" I yelled as I chased the two active toddlers down the hall making them giggle and squeal. It was their bath time yet here you have them running butt naked with nothing but their pacifier in mouth running around with the puppies barking as they chased them. I sighed and smiled when I heard them screaming

"PAPA!" as the door closed down the hall, Logan had gone over to a neighboring pack to talk about some Rogue problems they've been having for a few day now. Tonight was the ceremony for Logan to take the alpha title from his brother as we had completed the mating process two nights ago.

"Why are you both naked?" Logan questioned with a chuckle and looked up when I walked in

"They decided that bath time was a time to play" I replied looking at the boys who looked up at Logan with wide innocent eyes when their other Dad looked down at them with a raised brow

"Were you being bad for Dada?" he questioned

"No" they replied shaking their heads

"Are you lying to Papa?" I asked with a gasp and wide eyes making them shake their heads

"No lie Papa" they mumbled burying their face in his neck making Logan shake his head in mock disappointment as he set the twins down making them whine and cling to him

"Ah uh, you don't lie to me you know that" Logan reprimanded and I watched as their little lips quivered, they didn't like getting in trouble and having Logan chastise them was worst for them.

"No bad Papa" Kyler whimpered with Kenny nodding his head along with his brother's reply

"Then why are you both running around naked with Dada chasing you?"

"We pway wiff puppies Papa" Kenny replied

"Isn't you bath time?" he asked and they nodded solemnly looking down at the floor

"Then why are you letting Dada bathe you?"

"No bath time, Papa, we pway puppies" Kyler whined

"You can play with the puppies once you've had your bath" He replied and they shook their heads

"Pway now" they mumbled

"Either you bath now and play later, or you won't play with them at all" Logan stated sternly

"Dada" they whined looking up at me with teary eyes

"Papa's right. You know that you always have to have your bath before playing" I stated and they pouted, pacifier dropping to the floor

"Go on, let Dada give you each a bath and then you can go and play with Shadow and Storm"Logan said pushing them gently by their backs to me and they slowly walked over and lifted their arms up for me to pick them up. I shook my head with a smile and picked them up as Logan walked over and gave me a kiss on the lips before taking Kyler from me and walking down the hall to the bathroom. We had added a bathroom in their room a few weeks ago so it was much easier to get them washed and changed in the same room instead of walking from our room to theirs.

"Caw Papa" Kenny said as he pointed to his red car which Logan handed it t him

"Tank yew" he whispered. I frowned and looked at Logan to see him frowning too as he looked at the twins who looked heartbroken