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The warehouse


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Everything around me had gone into slow motion when Brian called me a few weeks ago telling me that the twins were missing. My wolf was going insane with the news and I knew that if I let him take over, that he'd go on a killing spree that would not only endanger myself but my whole pack and everyone around me, so I held him down. Hearing Hunter in hysterics was what fueled me to go on a search for our missing twins.I ran and ran for the longest of times ignoring my parents, brother and some pack members that had followed me and were trying to talk to me. Nothing else mattered, not even if they got killed along the way nor that I could possibly get myself killed in my hunt for Kyler and Kenny. They were the only ones that mattered to me in that very moment. Days after days of running, I had found managed to get hold of their scent and all I wanted was to go in there and get the out, but my dad's hold on my scruff kept me seated.

Call Hunter and let him know that we found them he said through the link making me glare at him but he gave me a warning growl that made me give up and shift back to my human form before pulling my phone from my jean's pocket, I had it in a back pack that I had carried with me when I shifted. The phone rang for a total one second before his voice sounded through the line

"He-hello?" he whispered making my heart break at how broken he was

"Hi baby"I murmured ignoring my mom's cooes and some of the females groans and huffs of jealousy.

"Logan?" he asked

"Yeah, I have good news love" I replied and I heard rustling in the background before silence followed

"What is it?" he questioned, voice filled with hope

"I found them baby, I found our boys and I'm bringing them home to you lovey" i mumbled and I heard a gasp from the other end making a smile form on my lips


"Yes Hunt, I found them, but I need you to remember what I told you the other day can, OK?" I asked and I heard a whimper and my heart broke more as I knew that he didn't want to think about that

"I don't want to lose you either, Logan" He said

"I know baby, I know but I need you to promise me that whatever happens here, you'll start over and be happy" I murmured and my family and pack all gave me looks of confusion but paid them no mind


"Promise me, that you'll be happy and raise the boys to be the men they are meant to be and talk to them about me so they won't forget me" I said cutting him off and he choked on a sob

"Don't leave me please" He whimpered

"I love you Hunter so much" I murmured

"And I you, Logan, more than anything" he replied and I heard sniffling and I closed my eyes as tears filled my eyes, I hated hearing him this way but I knew that I had to say these things in case my plan didn't work out.

"Promise me you'll be happy, OK?"

"I promise" he murmured and with that I hung up the phone and shifted back to my wolf. I ran to the abandoned warehouse where the scent of my boys was coming from. I could smell rogues all over the place making me and Sphinx growl, my parents and brother were following me, their questions about earlier plaguing my head making it ache. I hissed yet I pushed forwards and crashed through the doors making the rogues jump and look in our direction. They growled before launching at us. All you could hear in the building were our growls and whimpers. Cries soon followed the end of the rogues and I shifted to and looked towards the hall where a shadow was approaching, crying infants under his arms