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the funeral ^


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I looked at myself in the mirror and willed the tears to stay at bay, I needed to be strong for my best friends. I need to be Hannah and Ethan's shoulder to cry on. I needed to be strong for the family. I swallowed the lump in my throat as a memory from my past growing up with the Clearwaters and how Andrew was always pranking us or how he always made sure that we were OK. It's crazy to think that even though he's a werewolf he was killed.

Pitter patter of three sets of children feet ran down the hall giggling and squealing as we're followed by Andrew and Brian, their loud laughter shaking the walls and filling the air with happiness.

"Get back here" they yelled making Ethan, Hannah and I run faster and out the door and into the woods as our older brothers chased us from the house. We just finished switching their shampoo with hair dye that our moms' use to color their hair. They looked so funny with purple and pink hair. We hid behind a tree and snickered as the two 14 year old teen boys came out of the house looking peeved and red faced. I watched as Andrew sniffed the air before his eyes locked in our direction, a smirk on his face before he turned to my brother whispering into his ear and watched as the corner of his lips lifted into a smirk as my brother nodded. I looked at my friends, to see they were watching with wide eyes before they grabbed my arm and pulled me up only to bump into two strong chests, We looked up and stared up at them with sheepish smiles before giggling

"You little brats" Andrew huffed just at my brother said

"You are so gonna pay for this" making our widen before turning and booking it with them yelling at us. The rest of the day was filled wit friendly banter and laughter before we all piled into the massive living room to watch a marathon of Power Rangers and Digimon. I was cuddled up to Brian's chest as he ran his fingers through my hair, my eyes feeling droopy as sleep began clouding my vision, a yawn leaving my lips.

"Come on Kiddo, let's get you in bed" he mumbled but I shook my head

"'M sleepy, Bri" I whispered as I burrowed my face in my next making him chuckle and kiss my forehead

"Guess we're sleeping in here tonight" I heard Andrew chuckle as sleep finally took me under.

I jumped when I felt arm wrapped around my waist and looked up to see Logan standing behind me in his black tailored suit with a white button up and black dress shoes, hair gelled back and a black tie. He nuzzled my neck as his arms tightened around my waist

"It's OK, baby. You're OK" he murmured as tears welled up in my eyes as he held me close to him

"He's gone Logan. H-he was one of the greatest people in the world. He-he was always there for me when I needed someone talk to other then my mom and Brian, or even my friends. An-Andrew was like brother to me, he was, and oh my god Logan, he's gone and I will never get to say how thankful I am for everything he did for me" I whimpered turning in his arms and burying my face in his chest and wept and sobbed into his chest as he held me as I crumbled to the floor, heartbreaking sobs leaving my lips as memory after memory of me growing up and Andrew always being there flashed through my head.

"I know baby, everything's OK" he whispered over and over again as he kisses my temple and held me to him. I sniffled as my tears slowly stopped and looked up at him through my wet lashes and nuzzled under his chin