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Logan's Car ^


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I never thought that I'd find my mate upon moving to the States  much less find out that it was a boy and that he already had kids mind you the fact that it had been a one night stand that made him a father nor did I think that I would be so attracted both physically and emotionally attracted to him. The moment that I entered the school building I knew that my mate was inside. The strong and intoxicated scent of vanilla and strawberries drew me in. The second that I walked into English class, my eyes roamed the room only to lock onto the most beautiful, and breathtaking boy I have ever seen in my life, yes at first I thought it was the girl beside him but my wolf shook his head and that's how my eyes found there way to Hunter.

As the months passed, my attraction to him had grown and it was becoming harder and harder to hold back and not mark him. It hurt to hear him talking about my siblings and I just wanting to be friends with him just to turn on him but at the same time I understood him because I had the same thing happen to me back in England. All my so called friends were only my friends because I had money and I was the Jock of the school, Mr.Popular and the star football player (soccer) of the school always winning championships and metals. The more money I had the more people seemed to gravitate towards me and I learned later on that they were using me because I tended to give them the most expensive gifts for their birthdays or take them out to the big shot clubs for 21 and under so in the end I think that my parents getting jobs here was a good transition from my life back in cold and rainy London, England.

My relationship with Hunter after that had stopped for a total of about 2 or so weeks before we were back to talking and soon after I grew some balls, as my sister once said when she had found me mopping about in me room, and asked Hunter out on a date that included his sons and also some rogues around the way but all in all, I was glad that he had fun and that he agreed to be my boyfriend. But now, here I sat in complete and utter shock with what he was telling me. I knew that by the time he was talking that my eyes were dark green and my nails were digging into my skin.

How could someone as amazing, breathtakingly beautiful like the boy sitting beside me have so much pain bottled up inside him? In that moment all I could see was red and wanted to go and find the bastard that hurt my mate. I wanted to find the bastards that made Hunter suffer so much with the loss of his son. I wanted to rip their heads off and feed them to the rouges. The reason why I didn't go on a killer spree that moment was Hunter's shaking form and that brought me out rage. I pulled him into my arms and held him all the while murmuring

"You're beautiful no matter what happened"

"'M not and you know it" he whimpered and that only made me pull him closer to me. He didn't deserve what happened to him 3 years and god do I wish that my parents had moved here three years ago instead of now because then Hunter wouldn't be hurting this way. I would have protected and kept him safe. I would have done everything in my power to make sure that he and the baby were alright and I would have killed the asshole that laid his filthy hands on him.

"Hey, look at me" I said, and my voice sounded harder and my accent was thick and also knew that my eyes had once again returned to the dark, almost black color they normally do when Sphinx decides to make his presence known.

"You listen to me Hunter. You are nothing more than one of the most beautiful, caring, kind hearted, sweet, funny, selfless person and what happened to you has nothing to do with anything. I fell in love with you not because you were destined to be mine, but because you have this aura to you that just draws everyone in. You may have had your low days such as getting raped by that son of a bitch that if I found him I would kill him in a hear beat and getting bullied by a group of boys that just want attention. You're perfect in every way, shape and form and nothing that has happened to you will ever change the fact that I want to be with you. You're not just my soulmate Hunter, you're my lover, my friend and my rock," I heard myself say though it was Sphinx spoke