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Hunter's engagement ring^


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Hunter and Sierra were allowed to go home three days later and the twins were more than happy to know that their Dad and sister will be home with us. It's going to take time getting used to having another little person in the house that's not Hannah's son. She had moved in with us after having Phoenix saying that she wanted to be closer to her mate's family rather then her own. Hunter was beyond happy to have her live with us as he would be able to gush about the baby and just hang out us they haven't done that since Hunter started school five months ago and she's been focused in college as well as taking care of a new born. Winter came and went in a blink of an eye and it was already February, meaning Valentine's Day was just around the corner.

I had planned in asking him to marry me and I had the perfect plan on how. I had everyone keep it a secret from him as well as our mothers as they're always gossiping and Hunter might walk in on them talking about my plans of proposing to him. Any way back to the matter at hand. Hunter was dressing Sierra in a pink and white onesie that had matching pants, socks and head band with a little bow on top. She was adorable. The twins were on the ground playing with their toys.

"What time did the Doc say she'd be here to check on you?" I asked walking over to him and picked up the car seat from the floor so he put her in.

"Said in about 30 minutes, has to make sure that my stitches wont open and going to give me instructions on how to keep it cleaned. Also about how to clean her" he answered and I nodded

"How old were the twins when Lana dropped them off?" I questioned

"About 3 days old, so I have some knowledge in cleaning her" was his answer. I nodded and helped him put Sierra in the carrier while he smiled

"Thanks, love"

"No problem, babe" and just then the doctor walked in carrying a folder in one hand while in the other she held the clipboard.

"Good morning, alphas" she greeted

"Morning Doctor Kelly" We greeted

"Moning doctow" the twins greeted from the floor

"Morning boys" she greeted them with a warm smile before she turned to us and began explaining how to give her a bath to basic care such as when she cries, swaddling her to make her feel warm and safe much like she had been while in Hunter's womb to medical procedures in case she got sick. She then explained how to take care of the incision during his recovery saying that it'll take a bout 6 weeks for him to properly recover from the surgery.

A blush covered his face when she said that he'd be cleared to do his normal routines such as having sex, working out and doing house hold chores. I chuckled at his reaction, even after being together so over a year, he's still as innocent as the day I met him. He turns a crimson red even though we've had sex multiple times since we've completed the mate bond every time someone mention sex.

"Shut up Logan" he mumbled with a glare

"Sorry love" I murmured kissing his temple making him sigh. After that she said to be on alert when checking for any infections near his incision area and contact her if we see any problems. She left after that leaving Hunter and I to pack up our things along with Sierra's diaper bag before leaving. We already signed the discharge papers while she was here explaining how to take care of Sierra along with Hunter's incision. Once packed and ready to go, a nurse came into the room with a wheelchair while I picked Sierra's carrier and following them out with the twins holding on to my pants.