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Hunter and Logan ^
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I sighed and laid my head on the cold locker and grumbled. It's been two weeks since school stared and the students have been talking about how Logan and I's relationship hadn't lasted as we havent been seen together in a while. The only reason why Logan and I haven't bee going out has been becuase he's been training every day as Lykan was going to be giving him the alpha position to him in a few days after we complete the mating process which was going to be tonight, Logan just doesn't know it yet. I have been thinking about it for a while and I think it's about time we mated completely. I know that's he's been wanting to ate but I've been holding him back and that makes me feel like a complete jerk. I always end up stopping him when things get to heated between us while we're kissing and I can see it in his eyes. I see the desperation to completely mate with me and I know that he's not saying anything in fear of hurting me but, it's the exact opposite. I'm hurting him from keeping him from claiming and marking me as his mate.I sighed and was about to open my locker when a hand shot through and slammed it against the metal making me jump and look up to see Brandon and Tyler standing in front of me with wicked looks in their eyes and I groaned.

"What do you want now?" I asked

"To give you a gift" Brandon replied with a chuckle and was about to punch me when he was stopped by,surprisingly, Chris.

"When will you give up in making his life a living hell, Brandon?" he questioned and I just stood there dumbfounded

"When he's no longer a queer" Brandon replied and I rolled my eyes

"Yeah, because being gay was a choice, you're an idiot" I commented making him glare at me and as he was going to punch me, he once again was stopped but by Matt this time.

"I think it's safe to say that Hunter being gay shouldn't be a problem. It's a new year Brandon give it fucking rest. I've realized that bullying him was a stupid decision and fuck do I regret even hurting him. He's a far better person than any of us combined. So what if he's gay? What's it to you? it's not doing you any harm, or is it Brandon?" he asked with a raised brow as he held Brandon's wrist, Tyler just stood there looking seconds away from blowing and it's a funny sight. his whole face was a bright red color and you could practically see smoke coming out of his ears from how pissed he looked

"What the fuck are you idiots doing?" he yelled

"What does it like we're doing, Tyler?" Chris questioned looking at him, his green eyes blazing with hatred towards his once best friend

"Why the fuck would you defend a fag?" He yelled earning us looks from the students lingering in the halls and even some teachers, all whom were making there way towards us one of them being Mike.

"He's not the end of cigarette you moron" Molly stated walking over to us with Rachel, the twins and Lane, all whom looked ready to throw some punches in things got heated and I just wanted to go home and see my boyfriend and sons is that to much to freaking ask?

"He's a far better friend then any of you have ever been. I regret ever walking out on him after he came out. I regret even mentioning it to you. I regret every little thing that I did to Hunter when I was in your group. I hated bullying him but at that time what I hated the most was being looked down at for defending him, and fuck do I wish I didn't give a shit about what you thought about me. I guess it took me a long time to realize that Hunter was always a great friend compared to lot of you. He was always there for me when we friends even if he himself had problems of his own. He was there for me when my parents divorced when I was 10. He was there when I found out my grandparents died when I was 12. Hell he was there when my favorite dog died. He had been my rock through the years adn what did I do? I walked out on him when he needed me the most and for what? To safe my position as a popular? What a great friend I turned out to be huh? He called me the day he was raped crying and begging me to come over but what did I do? I yelled at him told him to never call me again, that he deserved it because he's a freak, but in the end, I went to the hospital and stayed there until 4 in the morning. We may not have been friends at that time, but he called me. he could've called any of his friends, yet he called me even after I made his life hell. " Chris said, stunning everyone, myself included. He had actually shown up that day. He actually went to see me even if I didn't know. I felt a lump in my throat as tears filled my eyes at his declaration.