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Brett ^ plus a video of soldiers surprising their families thought it would go good with this


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It's funny to think that it's already the end of the school year already. It feels like I just started my senior year only to blink and realize that it's over. My life over the two years have been the best and worst years of my life.Best because I have the most amazing fiance and beautiful children and worst because my brother was away and will be missing this important moment of my life. I had hoped that he'd be here when Sierra was born but it didn't happen. I sighed closing my eyes. I was still sore from the incision of the C-section from two months ago. The twins are amazing big brothers, whenever I need a diaper to change Sierra, they would each grab a clean diaper and wipes from the diaper bag and give it to me saying 'here Dada' before they went back to playing cars on the floor in front of me.

The others have been great help to while Logan's out training or doing patrols with the trackers do to rogues being caught trying to get into our territory. We've been on high alert ever since Logan and I got together a little over a year ago. Our life have been a huge roller coast ride ever since, because apparently the rogues have been trying to steal the power from Silver Blood for years already but have never succeeded in doing so because over the years a new and strong alpha would be ready to take them down. I sighed and cleared my head before walking out of the room. Sierra and the twins were already down stairs with Logan's parents . My parents, Hannah, and Johnny had already left a few minutes ago while Chris, Conner, Gunner, CJ, Matt and Brandon were just pulling up when I reached the last step,

"Don't you look handsome" my mother cooed and I rolled my eyes but smiled at her

"Thank you mom" I said and hugged her

"Alright I need a picture of you with your friends" she exclaimed pulling me over to the living room calling for the others to get their butts in the room. I heard chuckling as they walked in.

"OK, smile" My mom ordered and we all rolled our eyes at her but nonetheless did what she asked as she took picture after picture of us. You'd think she's taking pictures of us as if we were going to prom again. Well they went since it was last month while I was still on bed rest from my surgery.

"Alright Monica I think that's enough pictures.They need to get to school or else they'll miss their graduation" Dad said with a smile as he took the camera from her making my mother pout at him

"How old are you mom?" I teased making her roll her eyes

"Let's go" She sighed and I frowned when I didn't see Logan or Brett, he's his beta, I met him this morning. He had been in London studying that's why I didn't meet him until now. He's tall with shaggy light brown hair and light green eyes. He's built and very attractive but no where near as attractive as Logan though.

"Where are Logan and Brett?" I quizzed as we exited the house

"They said they had to pick someone up from the airport, I think it's Brett's brother that's coming from Chicago for a week" Caroline said as we all go in the SUV's that were parked in front. I sighed and strapped Kyler in while Dad put Sierra's car seat on the base while she slept peacefully once he was done I put Kenny in and strapped him in. They wanted Sierra to be in the middle so that they can each hold her little hand as we drove to the school. Dad, Mom and settled in the front, the kids being in the back row of the car with me in the middle.