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Hunter's ultrasound picture ^


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"Is it really necessary to go to the doctor even if we know?" Logan questioned as we walked down the hall to the infirmary and I rolled my eyes

"Yes, I just want to be sure you never know if the test was wrong" I replied and he sighed as we arrived, he looked seconds away from pouting and I had to bite my lip from grinning and cooing at his antics

"Come on babe it's not that bad" I cooed and he rolled his eyes

"I hate doctors" He mumbled and I chuckled

"Yet you are always getting injured"I retorted

"Whatever" he huffed pushing the door open and walking in leaving me behind shaking my head. I walked in and greeted the Doctor before she started asking questions and then had me lay on the bed

"Alright, I want you to lift your shirt up and lower your sweat pants down a bit" she instructed and I did just that ignoring Logan's possessive growls hitting him on the chest

"Calm down" I murmured and he mumbled something that sounded like 'I don't like other's seeing you like that' making me smile

"It's OK" I whispered wincing when the cold gel landed on my belly making Logan glare at the doctors who rolled her eyes

"Shush you" she stated as she ran the wand over my belly


"We're having a baby" I murmured looking at the black and white picture in my hand. There in the center was a little blob that soon will turn into a baby.

"I know" Logan whispered from behind me, we were in our room after returning from seeing Doctor Kelsey.

"We should tell the pack" I said leaning into him as he rubbed circles on my belly

"I can call a meeting for tonight" he said and I nodded with a sigh.There was a baby growing inside of me. One that Logan and I made with love. This baby means the world to me much like my boys. They have been asking for a baby sister or brother ever since we moved in with Logan.

"Papa, Dada" they squealed when we walked into their room after a few minutes of us listening to them babble with each other. We smiled and picked them up when they came running to us, hugging our legs. I was in one of Logan's shirts and sweatpants while Logan was just in his sweatpants. We changed them before doing the same and headed downstairs to eat lunch before going to the yard where the pack will most likely be already waiting for us.

"I wonder what the alphas want to tell us"

"I bet they're going to tell us they are done"

"Why would they tell us they broke up when they're mated?" those were the whispers we head as we walked out of the house through the glass doors of the kitchen, Logan rolling his eyes at the women's statements while I just sighed shaking my head. The twins were walking in front of us, giggling with their downs beside them wagging their tails. One of the women came up and cooed at the twins but the pups barked at her and were ready to bite her making the twins whimper and back away and into our legs.

"Stand back, Ella" Logan ordered and she nodded backing away

"You don't just go up to them like that Ella" her companion said with a glare