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The water Park ^


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"Daddy, Daddy" The twins yelled from their stroller while Logan pushed them through the crowded water park.

"What is it boys?" Logan chuckled

"Are we there yet?" Kyler asked while his twin looked at him with wide eyes

"Almost" was Logan's answer making they pout

"But Daddy, we want to go swim in the pool" Kenny mumbled

"We're almost there boys" I said while pushing Sierra's stroller while she peacefully slept. BJ was walking in the middle between Logan and I, just looking around at all the things while Brett had taken Heather to get her a new bathing suit since she forgot hers at the house.

"Daddy can swim with the sharks too?" BJ asked looking at Logan

"Hm, I think we can do that" He agreed making the 11 year old beam. I shook my head with a fond smile all the while ignoring the looks the women and some men were giving Logan while we walked. I rolled my eyes, how desperate can you be to check out a man who has a family? Once we reached the booth, Logan paid for our tickets before heading to the kiddie pools so the twins could play while Logan took BJ to the shark pool to swim with them.

"Careful boys, don't go in to deep" I called from the shore line of the pool where I had Sierra in a floaty

"Kay mommy" they yelled from a few feet away. I watched as they played while making sure Sierra didn't fall from her floaty, and let me tell you it was hard. The sound of giggling brought me out of my thoughts to see Kyler and Kenny playing with two little boys around their age and I smiled. I guess they made new-

"Get away from them" a woman hissed grabbing the two boys' hands and pulling them away from the twins making them frown and look over at me with wide eyes and wobbly lips before they came rushing over me and burying their faces on my chest. So much for them making new friends. I sighed and wiped their tears away before sighing

"Hey, shh, it's OK." I murmured kissing their foreheads

"But mommy why did that lady take them away?" Kyler asked with a sniffle while Kenny wiped his tears

"I don't know baby but that's OK, you have lots and lots of friends back home" I replied

"But we wanted to be friends with them too" Kenny mumbled

"I know you did baby but sometimes there are people who are mean and they don't want their kids to be friends others who have two daddies" I answered

"She's mean mommy" they whimpered

"I know lovely" I replied and they just sat next to me all their fun ripped from them in seconds. I could feel eyes on me the whole time and I know they were people judging me but I don't give a fuck.

"What a freak" I heard a woman say as she took her son out of the water and I rolled my eyes

"People like you should be killed" another one said

"You're a disgrace to humanity" a third voice said making me snort and shake my head

"People like you are a disgrace to humanity" I replied before getting out of the water, picking Sierra out of the floaty and tapping the twins on their laps to get them up.