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Safe Room ^ and the alarm song


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The morning after the gathering at Logan's house, we all decided to just stay inside and have a movie marathon with the kids before the others headed home. Brian and Hannah headed out first after the fifth movie while Conner, Gunner and Molly left 2 hours after them leaving Alex, Dylan and Johnny behind. They were actually stayed the whole day and left a little past 9 pm since it was a school night and Logan drove me and the twins home after the last movie ended.

"It was fun hanging out all day with you and the boys" he said once we were standing in front of my door the twins each on perched on my hip, fast asleep, both sucking on their pacifier.

"We had fun hanging out too" I replied with a smile and just as Logan was about to lean in to kiss me and the boys, the front door opened and Brian's head popped out from inside telling me to get my butt inside since it was past my curfew and I groaned turning around to glare at him but he just gave me an innocent smile,pssh yeah right, innocent my ass. I'm pretty sure he was looking out the damn window and waited until Logan was leaning forward. Fucking asshole.

"I'll see you tomorrow, be ready I'm picking you and the boys up to take you to drop them off at daycare and drive you to school. Goodnight boys I love you both so much." Logan said as he kissed their forehead before giving me a quick kiss on the lips before turning and walking away to his car but didn't drive away until I was inside. I shook my head at that but nonetheless a smile formed on my lips as his words to the boys was.

"What's with the creepy smile, Kid?" Brian asked making me jump and curse but luckily the twins didn't wake up and I glared at my older brother who sheepishly smiled at me but I narrowed my eyes at him before walking up the stairs to put the twins in their crib then heading to my own room to change and go to bed.


"WAKEY WAKEY" Brian shouted as he threw my bedroom door open making it slam against the wall making me sit up in bed and glare at him.

"The hell?" I huffed looking at the clock and saw that it was only 4:50 in the morning and I don't have to be up for another 3 hours

"It's time to get up bro" he replied only to curse when he saw the time before giving me wide eyed look as I narrowed my eyes at him

"It's 4:50 in the morning Brian. Did you set your alarm for 4:50 again?" I grumble and he mumbles under his breath before walking back out and closing the door behind him making me shake my head and went back to bed. I was woken up at 6:45 by my alarm blaring 'Cool For The Summer' by Demi Lovato making me groan and pull the blankets over my head to keep the damn sun light from hitting my closed lids, damn you Brain.

"Hunt, bro, time to get up" Brian called and I yelled

"Go away, I don't even know why they invented school" making him chuckle. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed and headed to my en suit bath to take a shower. I turned the shower on allowing the water to heat up before getting and sighing as the hot water soothed my tensed muscles. I grabbed my strawberry scented shampoo and lathered up my hair before conditioning after my hair was washed, I grabbed my raspberry scented body wash and lathered up and rinsed of before turning the water off and grabbing my towel off the hanger behind the door and drying off. I stepped out and walked to the sink to wash my teeth after wiping the fog away from the mirror.