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Baby Phoenix ^


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"If you keep pacing  any longer, I swear I'm going to tie you down to the chair Hunter" Molly hissed as she practically glared daggers at me and I narrowed my eyes at her

"She's having my nephew in there, Molly, the least you could is be mindful that I'm the only one she has that's close to Brian. She needs comfort" I replied and she rolled her eyes

"Than maybe Brian shouldn't have joined the Marines" she snapped before her eyes grew wide as I glared at her

"Fuck you Molly. I never thought that one of my friends would act like this. Brian did what he did because he wanted to be remembered for being a hero, and fuck it, he's been my hero even before he got the idea of joining the Marines" I replied clenching my hands into fists

"Hunter I d-"

"Shut it Molly. I never thought that you'd be a bitch" I snapped walking away before I said something worse that could potentially end our friendship and that was the last thing that I wanted to do at the moment. I needed all my friends and so did Hannah, her even more than me as she's about to give birth to my nephew. I leaned against the wall just outside her door and waited until I was called. She had asked me to be there when he was born and that was something I didn't expect.

"I want you to be there with me to welcome Phoenix now that his father's away. You're the only person that is closest to being home to me. Please, Hunter" she had begged and cried as they wheeled her to a room as soon as we had arrived. It's bee more than 6 hours since we've been here and Hannah's water has-spoke to soon

"Hunter Stevens?" the head nurse called and I nodded

"Right this way,she's been asking for you for the past 4 hours" she replied as she led me through the double doors and into the delivery room. The only good thing about this hospital was that they were all werewolves with the occasional human here and there.

"How is she holding up?" I asked

"She's good, contractions are 4 minutes apart thought I'm guessing that they'll start getting closer together before she has to push" was her answer as we entered Hannah's room. She looked pale and sick. She was moaning from the pain and she kept twisting and turning. Her eyes fluttered opened when she heard us walk in and a small and pained smile filled her features

"Hey" I whispered walking over to her, she held her hand up for me to hold

"Hurts" She mumbled

"I know, but it'll be worth it" I replied kissing her forehead

"Wish Brian was here" She whispered

"I know, but you'll have me, mom and Logan along with the pack to help you" I said

"It's not the same" she answered with a sigh a single tear rolling down her left cheek that I quickly wiped away

"He'll be home before you know it"


"FUCK, I"M GOING RIP HIS BALLS OFF WHEN I SEE HIM!" Hannah yelled as she pushed on her next contraction, face going red, I was holding on to left arm and leg while another nurse held her other side, I kept praising her

"You're doing good, so good Hannah, Brian will be so proud of you" I murmured. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was nearing 3 in the morning, Hannah gone into labor at 1 in the afternoon. She's been in labor roughly 14 hours and ouch, that's got to hurt.