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Logan and his wolf ^


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To say that I was nervous about going on a date with Logan would be a lie because I was a nervous wreck. Hannah and Molly were trying to calm me down but I just couldn't. Today was the first time that I've been on a date with anyone including the twins. Every time a guy would ask me to go on a date with them, the first thing I would mention is that I have twins and they would turn tail and run.

It hurt at the beginning when they were a few days old but as time passed, I was glad that none of those dates worked because I didn't want to be with someone who didn't want to be around my boys. I was sad that I'd never meet someone that would stick around to get to know me and the boys but it never really lasted as I was more concentrated in school, raising the twins and nothing more. What if Logan sees that being with me isn't what he wants? What if he stops talking to me all together after today?

"Enough with those negative thoughts Hunter Alexander Stevens" Hannah chastised from her spot on the bed while Molly looked about ready to whack me over the head with a pillow. I pouted at them and groaned

"But what if this date sucks?" I whined

"It won't if you stop thinking about it sucking" Molly grumbled sitting down after she finished picking out my outfit. Logan said to dress comfortable yet classy, so Molly and Hannah both had taken liberty in picking out an outfit for me while Brian and the twins dressed Kyle and Kenny. I rolled my eyes but grabbed my outfit and walked to my bathroom and changed, I had taken a shower this morning at Logan's house since we had slept the night there due to it being late for us to drive back because my idiot brother decided to get wasted with his friends.

We came home around 10 and the this date wasn't until 3 which was actually in 30 minutes, well shit. I quickly changed into a white polo shirt with black skinny jeans, I shook my head for my hair to get to its messy way before exiting my bathroom and putting my white Vans on before running out of the room and across the hall to nursery to see Brian, Alex and Dylan struggling to change Kyle and Kenny. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat getting the attention of all five, my 18 month old twins squealing and the three teens sighing in relief.

"What are you three idiots doing?" I chuckled when I saw Kenny struggling to get the shirt off while Kyle was glaring at his uncles as he threw his pants away.

"Trying to get them ready for their date with Logan and you" Brian mumbled

"They wouldn't let us change them" Alex added

"They're two little brats" Dylan grumbled making me raise an eye brow at all three before rolling my eyes and taking the clothes from them and walking over to the twins who wore just sitting on the couch looking miserable.

"What's with the pouty faces?" I chuckled kissing their foreheads before sitting down in front of them

"Uh" they mumbled with pouts holding their shirts up before shaking their heads and throwing them towards me

"Don't throw your clothes" I warned making them quiver their lips

"You don't want to wear this?" I questioned making them nod, I sighed and picked them up and put them on each hip and walked to their little closet on other side of the room and opened the door, allowing them to grab what they wanted. They each grabbed a button up shirt and pants before looking up at me as if saying 'done' I chuckled and closed the door with my butt before walking back to the couch. I looked at them and thought about the onsies they would wear underneath before smiling and walking over to the dresser and pulling out their 'drinking buddies' onesie and walked back over to them.