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Logan's Room ^


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"Hunter, are you almost ready bud?" Brian called from the other side of the door,and I sighed looking at myself in the mirror one last time before walking out. It sucks because right after the ceremony and the after party that Logan's parents are throwing for the class, Brian is going to be leaving for Florida and there could be a possibility that after he finishes boot camp that he'll be deployed which means that we won't hear from him in at most a year. My mom took the day off so she could be there for Brian and I think she's taking this harder than I did when I found out that he was leaving.She hasn't stopped crying since he told her the news of him going to boot camp. I walked out of my room and across the hall to the nursery to get the twins, but when I opened the door, their cribs were empty and panic rose in my chest. Their diaper bags were still on the dresser,their clothes still neatly folded beside the bag.

"KYLER! KENNY!" I shouted but was answered with silence. I looked every where in the room to make sure they weren't hiding, because they tended to that all the time but in every hiding place that I could think to look, they weren't there

"KYLER! KENNY!" I yelled again but nothing, tears of panic were building in my eyes,my heart was beating a thousand miles almost as if it were about to break out of my chest

"Hunter what's wrong? Why are you yelling the twins' names?" Brian asked with worry. I looked at him, tears spilling down my face as my breathing became ragged

"The-they're not here, I-I ca-can't find them" i cried and his frown deepened and looked around the room, the bathroom, the closets,the bathroom cabinets but like me, he couldn't find them.

"Were they in here when you woke up?" he asked and I nodded

"I gave them their bottles and changed their diapers before going to shower and change and when I came back to change them, they were gone" I whimpered

"Fuck" he cursed and I broke down even more when I saw the shattered glass on the ground, how did I not see or hear anything?

"No, no" I whimpered walking the window and looked out to see dents in the grass in shape of paws. No.

"Brian" I whispered and he pulled me into his arms and held me while he dialed a number who's, I don't know. All I wanted was to have my babies with me. I lost one already and I will be damned if I lost two more.

"Logan, we have a problem. The twins are missing. No he said that he left them here after giving them their bottle and changing their diaper before going to his room to shower and change." He paused as he listened to Logan as he spoke before saying

"We looked all over the room and they're not here. We found broken glass on the floor not long ago and looked out the window and found paw prints on the grass outside their window"

"No his a mess. Yeah, OK, I'll put him on" he added before giving me the phone

"He-hello?" I whispered

"Hey baby, it's going to be OK, I promise. It's going to be OK" Logan's soothing voice said into the phone and I wanted to believe him, I really did but how can I when my sons are missing?

"I want my babies home, Logan" I whispered

"I know love, I know and I will do everything in my power to get them back to you I swear"he reassured