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Brett and his family ^


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5 years ago today, I was blessed with two little boys that have made my life bearable. After losing my first son when I was 14 years old, I was in a dark place that not enough my friends and family could get me out of. As the years passed, I was giving a new chance to be a father again even if it was in the worst of ways. I was giving the gift of having two little boys that have blessed my life with happiness and love that it's crazy to think that they were already turning 5 today. So much has happened over the years that I regret but I will never regret raising them no matter how many people would gossip about me being a teen father or the name calling that I had endured during my high school career because nothing will change how much I love my sons.

I sighed and watched my little boys run around the back yard with BJ chasing them in his gray-black wolf making them squeal and laugh as he got close. Logan and Brett were setting up the grill while the others were bringing the food out  and setting the tables. Mom and Caroline were getting the younger kids ready for the party that Logan, after much begging and reassurance that everything will be OK, planned. Soft music from the speakers that Johnny had brought over filled the air along with my boys' giggling and barking. I chuckled and shook my head and looked at Sierra, who was gurgling and cooing in my arms, saying

"Your brothers' are silly aren't they baby?" she giggled and kicked her legs around making me laugh

"I know I know, you want to have fun with them too" I said kissing her forehead. She was already 5 months old and I don't like it.I want her to stay this big forever just like I want my boys' to stay little.

"You're growing up to fast Sierra" I whined at her making her squeal and gurgle about and I smiled at her.

"Hey Hunt" Molly greeted as she and Nick, her mate, walked out and I smiled greeting them back.

"Where the twins?" She asked and I pointed to where were now playing in the jungle gym with Liam, Aiden and BJ, who was currently talking with one of his school mates a blush coating his cheeks, the girl smiled and giggled at something he was saying. They were so cute.

"Someone has a crush" Nick chuckled

"Mhm" I agreed nodding with a smile

"Well I'm going to put this over at the presents table" Nick said as he carried two boxes wrapped in Spider Man wrapping paper and blue and red bows. I nodded as we watched him walk away

"How are you Hunt?" Molly asked

"Good, why?" I questioned and she shrugged

"You looked a little blue" She commented and I chuckled

"My babies are growing up too fast for my liking, Molls" I replied and she nodded in understanding

"Gotcha"  we spoke about everything that has happened over the years as more and more people showed up. When the last person came,the twins were playing with all there little friends in the playground while the adults chatted with each other. Logan and Mitch were talking by the grill with Dad and Brett while Mom, Caroline and Hannah were watching the kids playing all the while gossiping about who knows what. Johnny, CJ, Conner, Gunner and Matt where off to the side playing football with some of the packs members while the others goofing around in the pool. I sat back and chatted with Molly and Nick while checking on Sierra who had fallen asleep an hour ago.