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the house^


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We were now on our way back to the house, we got to meet the twins before leaving and they were so small. It broke my heart to see all those tubes and wires on them. They were beautiful yet fragile.

"Mommy?" Kyler called and I hummed turning in my seat to look at him

"When babies come home?" he asked reffering to his cousins

"I don't know baby, they are still really small" I replied making him and his twin frown

"Unc Mike and Unc Lyk sad" Kenny mumbled

"We have to give them all the love that we can, can you do that?" I asked and he nodded

"Wove uncles" they exclaimed and BJ giggled

"Knox and Elena are sad too"he stated

"That's why they have you all to cheer them up" Logan said as we pulled into a gravel driveway and I gasped. The house was beyond beautiful. It looked like a castle. Beautiful flowers decorated the sides of the gravel, in the center was a small garden. I can't even beginning to formulate how they managed to get this house done in two weeks. This had to take at least 7 months to build with how big and amazing it was. The rest of the family and our friends were already standing in the front with beaming smiles as we all got out. Logan taking Sierra's car seat out and BJ holding the twins hands while I carried the diaper bag.

"Mines?" the twins asked looking up at Logan and I with wide eyes

"All ours" he replied with a chuckle leading us to the others

"This is amazing. I know that this house didn't take two weeks to be built" I stated with a raised brow and they rolled their eyes

"We had all the packs working to build it, Hunt" Ethan stated with a chuckle as he kept taking glances at Rachel who smiled with a deep blush on her cheeks. I raised a brow with a knowing smile and he shrugged

"Alright, lets see the inside" Logan said and we all walked up the steps on either side and walked into the house. The lobby was breath taking. A beautiful chandelier hung from the ceiling and there was a two staircase leading to the second floor of the house. As you walk further inside there's a table with a flower vase holding lilies and tulips.The tile flooring was beyond amazing. Walking further down the foyer there were a couple more tables holding the same arrangement of flowers as the one up front. Columns of while marble held the house up and I was speechless. There was another small chandelier hanging off the ceiling that illuminated the halls. To the left there was the living room area with a charming decor. It was soft creme round couches and small glass coffee table sat in front of the biggest sofa.It was just so calm and I had a feeling that this was going to be my favorite room in all of the house. There were floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the front of the house with beige curtains. Across the room was a fireplace that was safely secured an above it was a flat screen TV with a small vase with violets to the right and two candle holders to the left.

"Come on there's still more to see" Mom chuckled as she pulled me out of the living room making me huff but follow her as we entered an equally elegant kitchen. The counters were marble and was in the form of a 'U' with a small a microwave on one side with cupboards on the other side. Behind the counter was a double oven,a sink, and stove and to the left of the stone was a stainless steel fridge. It was like a bar/island since to one side of the counter has a small table like counter with chairs along the edges while on the other had stools lining the length of the counter and there were floor to ceiling windows that over looked the yard that had a massive jungle gym with swings to monkey bars to a sand box. A few feet away from the jungle gym was a 10 foot pool with a slide and diving board and had pool chairs around with picnic tables as well.