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Hunter and Brian's parents and the costumes ^


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This chapter is dedicated to Rainy841 because she's always commenting on my chapters and making me feel really good about my work.....So thank you babe hope you like this chapter <3


"Kyler get back here" I yelled as he ran out of the room giggling in just his diaper. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair and looked at his twin who had his attention on the toy cars

"Why can't he be like you?" i asked and he looked up at me with confused eyes before looking away

"Come here you, time to get you dressed into your costume" I said picking him up earning a giggle from him and a toothy smile

"Goodness you're getting so big" I commented and he shook his head

"I baby Dada" he mumbled and I smiled

"Course you are love" I replied as I went to put his costume on, we were having a Halloween party, which is why I was putting his costume on three days before Halloween.

"I caught this one about to eat the candy mom had placed by the door" Logan said as he came in carrying Kyler's squirming and giggling body

"Down Papa" he squealed

"Can you change him for me please, I have to get ready and Kenny's already dressed" I asked and he nodded

"Sure love, go get read, mom will most likely tell us to change since the party's about to start" he said placing Kyler on the bed and stopping him from getting off to run away again

"Thanks, I love you"

"Love you" he replied before getting started while I grabbed my towel from the hamper along with my costume and getting in the shower and undressing. I sighed as the hot water ran down my back revealing some of the tension there and making them lax. I looked down at my belly and smiled, I was already 16 weeks along and if you looked closely you could see a small bump there and Logan always has his hands there every chance he can get. He's been training for the fight that could break out. Ella and Lexa, her friend, had both agreed to stay in the pack and fight to protect me and the boys much to Logan's relief. I knew that it would've been hard for him to kill them have they not stayed and gone to the rogues and told them about the news of my pregnancy though I'm pretty sure they heard from others. Once I was done, I dried the water off and changed into the orange jumper that was my costume. After getting ready I walked out of the room to find Logan already dressed in his SWAT costume and smiled

"Don't you look handsome" I commented making him snort

"You look better than I do" he retorted making me grin

"That's one of the perks of being me" I replied making him chuckle

"Of course it is" he agreed walking over to me and planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Where are the twins?" I asked looking around

"With mom" he replied and I nodded

"Well what are we waiting for,lets go" I said pulling him by the arm and walked out of the room and down the hall and down the stairs to the already packed living room. Caroline was in the kitchen with Mitch and Mike while Lykan was off somewhere.