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Baby Sierra Hope ^


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"LOGAN!" Hunter yelled from the bathroom and I rushed to see what he needed since he was already 8 months along. I walked in and saw him sitting on the bathtub arms crossed over his chest, a cute little pout on his lips and when he looked up when he heard me walk in, his pout deepened as he held his arms out

"I hate not being able to get out without help" he whined as I smiled fondly at him and helped him out

"You're beautiful and you know I don't mind helping you when you need me" I replied and he rolled his eyes

"I'm fat and ugly and, and , I know you're just saying all that nice stuff to make me feel better but it's not working Logan" He mumbled as tears filled his eyes, I shook my head with a soft sigh and leaned down to peck him on the lips

"You're not fat Hunter, you're pregnant with our baby girl. You're beautiful not ugly. I'm not saying that to make you feel better because it's the truth my love. You're beautiful, perfect and now you will always will be pregnant or not" I reassured wiping his tears away as he sniffled

"I look like a freaking umpa lumpa" he whispered

"You look good and beautiful, perfect and amazing" I retorted and he gave me a smile

"You're such a sap, but I love you" He whispered kissing my cheek and I chuckled

"I love you, now lets get you out and into some clothes, our friends should be here any minute now" I replied and he sighed with a nod

"I hate having mood swings"

"That's part of being pregnant baby" I stated and he glared at me

"I hate you" He hissed as he waddled away once I helped him out of the bath and I sighed shaking my head as I followed after him. He was mumbling and grumbling as he struggled to put his sweat pants on.He  looked up and held them out to me

"Can you help me put them on?" he mumbled, smiling I took them from his out stretched hand and got down on my knees helping him into his pants before helping him into one of my shirts before we walked out of the room and down the hall where a collective number of voices were heard. Upon reaching the living room, I saw Hannah with her son, Molly, Johnny, the twins, Dylan and Alex, Gunner, CJ, and our new found friends, Chris, Matt and Brandon all chatting and laughing about who knows what with Lane and Rachel. They looked up when they heard us approaching and smiled waving, Hunter grinned and walked, well waddled, towards them and gave each a hug before getting into the conversation as if he had been part of it the whole time.

I smiled and just stood back watching them. Chris, Brandon and Matt became part our small group of friends when Chris had blocked Tyler from harming him after they all learned about Hunter being pregnant. Matt and Brandon had been keeping an eye on him while the others weren't around which was a good thing as I later found out that Tyler almost attacked Hunter on the way to the bathroom a few months ago when he was only 3 months along. We later found out that Chris and Matt are werewolves, part of the White Moon pack.It had been a shock when we learned about that but they later became quick allies as well as friends with us.

"Does he know that Brian will be coming home for his graduation?" Lykan whispered asked-if the others heard they made indication they did- I shook my head sighing