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Brian ^


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I sighed as I sat in another long lecture from Mr. Richards as he talked about who knows what as I had stopped paying attention to him ten minutes into class, plus I already took this class last year, but since I had to fill up a space I was retaking it, don't ask me why, I just and now I wish I had taken art instead.

"Cheer up, Hunt. Class is almost over" Molly said as she nudged my knee with her, Logan wasn't in class today and I had wondered why but then again why should it matter, I just met him 24 hours ago.

"I know, he's so boring" I huffed under my breath making her giggle and nod in agreement

"I know, you could always switch classes, Hunt, take art with Johnny, I'm sure he'll be happy to have a friend with him" She whispered

"True, I'll talk to Miss Rodriguez about changing classes" I said just as the bell signalling class was over. We packed up our things and walked down the little isle and out the door and I squeaked liked a freaking girl when I bumped into a strong chest and looked up to see Logan standing there with a sheepish smile as he scratched the back of his head

"Uh, hey sorry didn't mean to scare you" he apologized but I just took a deep breath to calm my erratic heart from jumping out o my chest

"It's fine. Didn't see you there it's all" I replied moving out of the way and around him to continue my walk with Molly

"Hey, Hunter?" Logan's voice followed

"Hm?" I hummed in reply

"I was wondering if you were going to the game tonight" he asked making me look at him with a blank face

"This is my brother's last game, so yes I'll be at the game tonight" I replied making him nod before saying he had to get to class leaving me and Molly behind

"What's wrong with you Hunter? He was being friendly and you go and act like a bitch?" Molly said making me feel guilty, ugh i hate her when she does that and she knows it.

"Nothing's wrong Molly. I'm just having a bad day I guess" I muttered grabbing my Math's and History books out of my locker before shutting it and walking down the hall with Molly.

"But to the point of being mean to a guy who just trying to be friendly?" she asked making me roll my eyes

"Don't even go there Molly. I'm sure he's just acting like he gives a crap about me only to stab me on the back when he knows about my life. He's a rich snobby kid who thinks he's the best thing in the world. He's nothing, he's just like every fucking jock in this school. He and his siblings can go to hell for all I care. They mean nothing to me, they are just like every other jock and preppy kid this school has. They're probably already friends with every popular kid here and talk about how pathetic I am and how I can't defend myself and that I need my brother to come and save me" I said when reached Math and looked at Molly to see that she was looking behind me with wide eyes. I frowned and looked behind me to see Logan, Rachel and Lane standing behind me a sad smile making me widen my eyes. Di-did they hear what I said? Oh God I di-didn't mean it

"Good to know how you feel about us, Hunter. We'll leave you alone from now on" Rachel said as she and Lane walked away, each in different directions, Logan being the only one behind who just shook his head and walked inside. I huffed and looked at Molly to see she was giving me a disappointed look before she, too, walked in after Logan leaving me behind.