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BJ ^


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2 weeks came was a blur of making the best of having Brian home. 2 weeks of dreading the day that we had to say bye to him again. 2 weeks of not knowing when he'll com back again. so many things happened in those two weeks though. Logan and I had decided to build a house a few miles away from the pack house as we wanted to have our own place now that we are a family. Sierra was growing up to be an adorable little girl with dimples and bright hazel green eyes much like her father. Kyler and Kenny have gotten closer to Aiden and Liam over the last couple of months and Aiden has gotten used to the idea of having parents again and is the happiest little 5 year old I've ever known.

Brandon and Chris along with Matt have become great friends with Logan and I and Chris and Matt have become allies of the Silver Blood pack much like the Clearwaters, Stone and the Crystal Moon packs have done when they learned of me being mates with Logan. Any who back to the present. Tomorrow Brian was leaving for Iraq to finish his tour and I can see the pain and worry in Hannah's eyes as they talked the last remaining hours they had together.

All the guys excluding me were helping build the house and Logan said that it should be done by tomorrow seeing as they have been working on it for the past 1 and a half. It's going to be big with a little over 20 rooms, three kitchens, 2 living rooms,1 huge dinning room, a play room, theater room, recording room, art room, and a den. He had forbidden me from going to the house to see it saying he wants it to be a surprise, which I had told him time and time that I hated, and that it will be worth waiting to see it. So here I was, sitting in the back yard watching the boys and the packs' pups playing in the little jungle gym that Mitch and Dad had built a few days ago.

They were a laughing and squealing mess when we showed them the back yard once the jungle gym had been finished. The twins, Liam, Aiden, Knox, Elena and little Brandon were beyond ecstatic and were actually crying and I know I'm a horrible mother but I actually laughed when Kyler and Kenny told Brandon that he wasn't allowed to play in the jungle gym because he used to bully Aiden and always took Liam's toys.

You may be wondering why I had stated that I was a bad mother instead of dad, well the twins had taken to calling me mom after hearing a few of the other kids saying that to their moms. So ever since 4 days ago I was referred to as mommy. I found it quite adorable to be honest and didn't mind it one bit. I sighed and watched my boys play with their friends while also checking on Sierra who was laying on the blanket that Dad had laid out for me to sit on.

"Mommy, Mommy" they yelled running over to me, beaming smiles on their faces and I chuckled at their enthusiasms

"What is it boys?" I questioned

"Here, for you" Kyler said as he and Kenny each handed me a red rose and my heart swelled

"You the pwettiest mommy in the whole world" Kenny said making me smile and tears to brim my eyes. Even after 4 years, they never seize to amaze me and warm my heart with the simplest things

"Awe, babies, thank you, you are the handsomest boys in the whole world too" I said pulling them in for a hug making them giggle and wrap their arms around my neck and kiss my cheeks.

"Love you mommy" they mumbled in unison

"And I love you both very much" I replied kissing their temples. They pulled back and beamed before scurrying away to continue playing and I shook my head and looked at the red roses that my beautiful boys gave me for no reason than for being the most beautiful mommy in the whole world. My kids with be the death of me and Logan.