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By the time we landed in Destin, Florida it was already 9 pm and the kids were out cold from the flight. I woke up just as Logan was waking Brett up then went to wake the kids up to get ready for the landing. BJ and Heather whined and swatted a their fathers' hands when they wore being woken up and couldn't help but smile.

"How did you sleep, Hunter?" Jessie asked from across and I yawned covering my mouth before answering her

"Good, though I wish I had gone to the private master bedroom where the twins and Sierra are currently sleeping." I replied stretching and quickly put my arms down when I saw her eyes lock on the scar of my C-section and frowned looking up at me with questioning eyes but I smiled and got up once given the clear and went to get the twins up as well as get Sierra changed.

"What's wrong?" Logan asked as he closed the door behind and looked over to see that BJ was with him and was close to falling back asleep from his place on the couch.

"Jessie saw my incision and saw the look in her eyes as if she was grossed out with the fact that I carried Sierra" I mumbled sighing as I gently shook Kyler and Kenny up but they mumbled and swatted my hand away before drifting back to sleep. I rolled my eyes

"Come on you two, we're here" I whispered shaking them again

"No mommy" they whined and cuddled back up with each other sleeping again

"Boys time to get up or you're going to be left here" Logan said shaking them a little harder to get them up and their eyes flattered open to look up at Logan who was staring down at them

"What's it going to be boys?"

"Wake up" they huffed sitting up and rubbing their eyes with their fits before holding their arms out for Logan to pick them up. I picked Sierra from the potable crib where she was still peacefully sleeping and quickly changed her before she woke up and carried her back out, BJ following suit with the diaper bag and crib.

"Alright lets get going, the cars should be already here"Logan stated and we nodded getting out after thanking the pilot and co-pilot. In the FBO (fixed base operator) there were a black 2016 Toyota Camry and a 2016 white white Lexus RX 2 already waiting for us. Logan opened the back door of the Lexus and helped BJ to the back seat before putting it back up once he was seated before lifting Kyler and putting him in his booster seat followed by Sierra's car seat and lastly Kenny. Once the kids were set, I took my seat on the passenger's seat and waited for Logan to finish putting our suitcases in the back before getting in the driver's seat and pulling out of the FBO with Brett following after us. I looked behind me and as I thought they were all asleep yet again. I smiled and looked over at Logan who looked as if he were seconds from sleeping.

"Did you sleep at all during the flight?" I asked worried

"Yeah, don't worry love. I woke up about the same time you did" he answered looking over at me with a smile that I returned and linked our fingers together over the console while he drove. I could feel sleep calling my name and soon enough I was pulled into darkness.

"Baby, baby wake up" Logan's voice sounded from beside me as I was gentle shaken awake. I opened my eyes and looked up at him to see him smiling down at me

"Hey" He chuckled

"Hi" I mumbled sighing and unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car. BJ was holding Kyler and Kenny's hands while watching Sierra's car seat. I looked around and noticed that we were in front of one of the most beautiful houses I had ever seen. It was made of light beige brick with dark brown shuttles, there was a beautiful stone driveway that was surrounded with rich cut green grass with a small trees planted by the front wall. On the front of the house were white steps that carried you inside. The lights were on and helped getting around the dark. It had to be at least 3 in the morning by now.