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Logan and his siblings ^


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After getting my ear talked off by my friends and brother, I headed upstairs to check on the twins since they had woken uup about five minutes ago. I excused myself ignoring thier protests about me leaving. I was beyond mad, yes I know I was being a dick to them but it was the only way to keep myself from getting attached to them and then in the end get hurt by them. Better save then sorry right? I opened the door to the nursery and peeked in making the two toddler look up with big smiles on their faces as they stood up, hair messy from sleep.

"Dada, Dada" they squealed making me chuckle and walk in closing the door behind me

"Hi babies, have a good nap?" I asked walking towards their cribs. I stood in the middle waltching them as they bounced, giggling and babbling nonesense in thier language.

"I think someone needs a diaper change, huh?" i chuckled when Kenny made a face and the smell of poop filled the air before he started whimpering

"Dada, dada" he cried holding his little arms in the air for me to pick him up , which I did and carried him to the changing table across the room and laid him down before grabbing a clean diaper and a new outfit to change him into before doing the same to Kyle. Once they were dressed I brought them downstairs so that they could eat some cereal and fruit before taking them to the backyard to play in their sand box.

"Hunter" Johnny called but I ignored him and the others and walked to the kitchen. I was sick and tired of them reminding me that Logan or his siblings wouldn't turn their backs on me because he defended me from Matt and his friends. I put them in their high chair and then went to one of the cupboards and took out their cereal and began to make it, once that was done, I placed them in front of Kyle and Kenny so they could eat then grabbed their sippy cups and put apple juice in each and handed it to them as well before grabbing sliced fruit from the fridge and putting it in thier plates.

I sat in front of them and began feeding them. They made a mess about it but not a single drop fell in thier clothes which was good since I wasn't planning on changing them again before their play time. Once they were done eating, I cleaned their mess up and took them out of thier high chair and put them on the ground making them grab onto my legs for support since they were still learning to walk.

Yeah, I know. They were almost two and they're still learning to walk. I had taken them to the doctor to see why they were slow but she said that it was normal for 18 months old to learn to walk late and that I should give it time. I held my hands down for them to hold onto before leading them to the sliding doors and outside to their sandbox where they just began playing with their toys. The doors slid open and I heard the whispers of my annoying friends and over protective brother walking out making the twins look up before going back to playing

"Awe you don't love us?" Brian whined making the twins shake thier heads ignoring them while I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling

"You're mean boys, we love you" Hannah cooed sitting next to Kyle only to have him move away from her and crawl over to where I was holding his white toy car up for me to take.

"Uh, dada" he said with his head cocked to the side, his light blue eyes shinning making me smile

"You want me to play?" I questioned making him nod his little head