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the theater room ^


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The fight took a toll on everyone and so we decided to just stay home, with Mitch calling the school to let them know that we won't be going in and that we had gone on a week trip to California and won't be back until the 3rd of June which was next Monday. Hannah, ever since the fight, has been wincing every time she'd put pressure on her left ankle and Brian was worried and kept asking what was happening but she would just brush him off by saying that it was nothing that her foot just fell asleep. The others didn't believe her either, I had voiced my thoughts to Johnny a few hours ago.

"Do you think something happened Hannah during the fight?" I asked

"Most likely, she wasn't limping or anything before we got here" Johnny replied with a worried look on his face

"Is the baby OK, Johnny?"I asked making him look down at me with wide eyes making me roll my eyes

"Don't look at me like that Johnny" I huffed

"How'd you know?" he asked

"She has this glow to her that I've only ever seen a couple times on expectant parents, and you know that I looked the same when I was pregnant with Matthew before I miscarried him after I was beaten to the point of being unrecognizable because my face was that swollen" I replied, and just thinking about my baby, the baby that I would've loved just as much as I love my baby boys.

He was one of the best surprises that I have ever had, I managed to hide my belly for a few months until Chris and his group found out and began calling me names and beat me. It was one of the worst days of my life. I was surrounded by blood by the time my brother and friends found me five hours later unconscious.

"Hey, shh" Johnny whispered pulling me into his arms and hugging me

"I'm sorry, I-I don't even know why I brought him up" I whimpered

"I shouldn't have asked how you knew about Hannah expecting" Johnny murmured kissing my head.

"Mattie would have been an amazing big brother had I not lost him 3 years ago" I whispered

"He would and still is, he's watching over them from heaven Hunt" he said and all I could do was nod my head and just believed that my little boy was looking down at us and keeping us safe. I was 14 when I got pregnant with him, it was a horrible day that day. I had been walking home from Alex and Dylan's house since they lived about 10 minutes away and it was a nice summer night.

They had offered to drive me since it was way past midnight and it was dangerous to walk alone at night but I declined saying that I'd be fine and that if they were so worried that I'd call them as soon as I got home, but my call never happened. I was walking by an alleyway and it scared the crap out of me when I heard and felt someone following me. My heart was going on over drive and I picked up my pace only to get grabbed by the person following me.

I tried to scream for help but he held me by the throat and his hand was covering my mouth preventing me from making any noise and plus his threat of killing me right then and there cut my vocal cords and all I could do was pray that someone would walk by and hear the commotion from here but that never happened.

I was a stupid 14 year old boy that should've fought back against his aggressor instead I let him rape ad beat me over and over again. I could feel my body getting ripped in half and tears of self loathing, hatred, pain and so many other emotions were rolling down my cheeks as he kept going and going. I could feel the blood going down my legs from his actions. Every part of my body hurt, stung and just made me like I was a piece of garbage, much like what Chris and my other bullies would call me.