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CJ, Parker, Mitch,Caroline, Mike and Lykan ^


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Football season was here and Logan was true to his words by becoming captain. It was so funny to see Matt and Brandon both get demoted from their positions by Logan and Lane. Ever since football season began, Logan has asked me to go and watch with the twins and the girls, at first I refused but in the end, I would be packing the twins up and getting in my brother's car to the school to watch them play. The look on Logan's face whenever he caught us, would always be funny at first because he would look like a deer caught in the head lights before turning to a breathtaking smile where he'd show his pearly whites and his eyes would look like gems under the sun making my breath hitch and heart to beat out of my chest.

I don't know why he has such an effect on me. I just met him not even a month ago and he's doing these crazy things to me. I've asked my friends and brother what it meant and they just looked at me with knowing smiles yet they didn't tell though I have a feeling they think I'm falling for Logan, but that can't be right, right? I mean he's straight as they come and besides he probably already has a girlfriend and if he was gay he might already have someone.

Why would someone as perfect, amazingly talented, strong and handsome like him be interested in someone who is ugly, pathetic and a loser like me? That's just stupid. They are stupid for even thinking that way. Besides I have no time to even think about having a relationship with him or anyone for that matter, because all my attention is solely focused on raising my sons and nothing more.

"Unter,HUNTER!" I jumped and looked up at Brian with wide eyes before blinking and shushed the twins when they began crying

"Shit" He cursed and I rolled my eyes and gave them their bottles stopping their cry

"Really?" I asked

"Sorry, but you didn't hear me calling your name for the past 5 minutes" He replied

"What is so important that you had to yell and wake them up?" I asked aggravated, it took me 15 minutes to get them to fall asleep and 2 seconds for them wake up to the sound of my idiotic brother yelling.

"We're here" he said and looked out the windshield to see that we were, in fact, in the crowded school parking lot and sighed, nodding my head and getting out of the car with Brian before he got the double seatter stroller out of the back then coming back with it to get Kyle out before coming to my side where I had Kenny already out of his. Once they were both strapped and secured in, I grabbed their diaper bag from the floor and threw it over my shoulder. I closed the door and Brian locked them before we began our journey to the back where the game was.

I could hear students and parents screaming and thank goodness I remembered to put earplugs on the twins to muffle the noise so they won't wake up. The guys and girls were meeting up with us here meaning that they either were already here or they were on there way. Brian tapped my shoulder making me look up to see that he was pointing to Hannah, who was waving her hand like a crazy person screaming 'Over Here' earning looks from people sitting beside them and I was glad they chose seats near the bottom making it easier to get out without having to waiting for people to get out first. We walked over to them and saw a few people throwing disgusted looks at me but I gave them no mind because they weren't important.

"Hey guys" we greeted

"Hey, oh and you brought our nephews too" Hannah said

"Why wouldn't I? I wasn't going to leave them home alone" I responded making them shrug