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I was outside with the twins watching Logan and Lykan train some of the newly shifted pups and the teens when Caroline came outside holding the phone with a worried expression on her face. I was confused as to why she was holding it out to me but she said nothing making me sigh but take the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hunter?" My mom's voice replied

"What is it mom?" i asked

"It's Brian" she replied

"What about him?" i asked, my heart racing

"He was deployed baby. He's going to Iraq" those words were what I didn't expect to hear from her. It's been a little over two months now since Brian left for Florida and the accident with the rogues and now hearing my brother was getting deployed was the worst feeling in the world. What if I never see him again? What if he gets injured? What if he gets killed? What if, what if he never calls? So many questions ran through my head at the possibilities of him being away

"For how long?" I whispered and Logan looked over and frowned, whispering something to Lykan before making his way  towards me, his mom stopped him and whispered in his ear something that froze him in his spot. I looked at him with tears in my ears as my mother's words came through

"A year at the most was what he said"

"No, wh-what if something happened to him? He can't go, mom please" I cried

"I know it's hard baby but you have to trust your brother that he's going to be alright" She soothed

"He's leaving me, just like dad and Chris did. What if I never see him again?" I whimpered

"Shh, honey, you're brother's not leaving you forever, he's going to come back. He's not like your dad or Chris, you know that" she reminded as Logan pulled me into his chest holding e with my back to him

"When is he leaving?" I asked

"Tonight, said he's going to call you before he leaves though" she said before saying that she had to go as she was at work and she was called for an emergency before saying she loved me and hung up after I told her the same.

"What's wrong love?" Logan questioned in my ear making me look up at him through teary eyes

"B-Brian go deployed" I murmured before breaking down as I turned around and buried my face in his chest as I cried, I could distinctively hear Caroline and Lykan saying that they were taking the twins inside for their nap and Logan nodding before he was back to whispering soothing words into my ear as he rubbed my back

"Don't worry baby to much, you know he's a strong guy and won't let anything take him down" he said

"But what if he wasn't so careful, Logan? What if something went wrong and he got hurt?"I mumbled

"Don't think that way because it's only going to make you worry more than you should" He replied


"Listen to me Hunter,he's going to be alright, things may happen while he's there but its part of the job of being a Navy Seal, so just have faith in him OK? he needs to know that you're going to be strong for him and that you support him with this" he said cutting me off and I nodded because he was right, why am I even thinking about these negative things in the first place? I should be thinking about positive things and that he's going to be OK and that I'll see him again even if it's in a year, I'm still going to see him.