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The Levine Family ^


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I sighed when I heard the baby monitor go off and whined, why? why? babies why wake your Dada up so early? I said in my head as I threw the covers of my body and headed to the nursery across the hall where my twins were wailing and screaming. Yes, I had another set of twins, a boy and girl. They were born three weeks ago after I was in a bad car accident that induced my labor. I was coming home after dropping the kids off at school before taking Sierra to day care since I had been running late for work. I was so busy trying to get to work on time that I didn't see a car coming my way in the wrong intersection and my car flipped over and over and over again until I was out cold. I woke up to a beeping in my ear and woke up to a white ceiling with matching walls and floors and a bitch ass head ache.

Logan was beside me the whole I was there and even calmed me down when I had noticed my 8 and a half pregnant belly empty and I couldn't feel them moving or kicking resulting in my panic until he said 'Baby, they are good.Calm down love they're alright. They should be brought in soon' and yeah not even a few minutes later a lady in blue scrubs came in wheeling a crib in with two babies, one with a lime green blanker and hat while the other has a pink blanket and matching hat. I remember crying like a freaking baby when I first held them- after getting checked over by the doctor and gasping when I found out that I had been out for a week- and feed them. They are so small but they are my loves much like their older siblings.

"Hey babies what's the matter?" I cooed walking into the lime green and pink nursery that Logan had decorated it over the last couple of months while I was pregnant with them. The door opened a few seconds later and looked over to see my wonderful and handsome husband walk in. Yes, we got married a little over 6 months ago when I was just 4 months along. It was the most amazing day of my life. I had cried and let me tell you, I looked horrendous. I closed my eyes as I remembered that day as if it had happened yesterday,though it happened on Valentine's Day, how cheesy is that? Getting engaged 3 years early on Valentine's Day and a year later? Everyone had worked together to make it the most memorable day.

"Stop worrying so much baby" Mom cooed and I looked at her before continuing my pacing in the hotel room before the ceremony, which was in just under 15 minutes and I was nervous as hell. I was starting to doubt this whole thing and Logan's love for me and I know it's stupid, but can you blame me? I was self conscious of so many things and feared that our relationship will work even after all these years together.

"Mama I'm scared" I whimpered when she stopped me and held me in her arms. She rubbed my back and rocked us side to side

"Do you love him?" She asked and I nodded mumbling a 'yes'

"Then there's no reason for you to be scared baby. He loves you and you love him. I know that this is a big move for you sweetie, but you've been together for nearly four years and each day I see the love between you grow and grow as each day passes" She said pulling back and looked at me with a smile as she wiped my tears away. She gave me a gentle smile and kissed my forehead.

"You're the best Mama" I mumbled, the doubt that clouded my head banished

"I know, now we better hurry or else Logan will think you got cold feet and panic" She said as she pushed me out of the room and down the hall before we were outside on the beach. Yeah I know, why are you getting married on the beach on February when it's 30 degrees outside, well Don't know. Our song began playing when the doors opened and all heads turned to us and felt my face heat up from the attention. Dad walked up to me and smile holding his arm out for me to take and I smiled linking my arm with his before he began leading me down the sandy isle, after the flower girl and ring barrier which were Kyler and Kenny and Ella.