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Little Anthony and his wolf ^


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Who in their right mind would abuse a child that's no older than 7 years old? Who fucking dares touch a child the way he fucking did? No one should have to go through what that pup did. I will make him pay for ever laying his filthy hands on him mark my fucking words. I could feel my parents, siblings and most of my pack following after me, all shouting question after question in my head but I didn't answer them. My main focus was getting to the RedPaw pack and making them pay for what they did to the pup that will now be mine and Hunter's son.

As soon as my front paws entered the RedPaw pack, we were surrounded by their pack, all growling a warning at mine but we didn't back down instead we growled louder and the sound of our growls were stronger and deadlier then this pathetic pack. A group of men came out of the two story cabin like house dressed in jeans and t-shirts. They stood in front of their pack. I smelt the air to see that it was covered in blood, fear, anxiety and so many more making my wolf angrier then before and I knew my pack felt the same way.

"Who the fuck are you and what brings you to my territory?" the leader yelled making his pack whimper in fear and back down yet they waited for orders in case something happened. I shifted and the look of fear that crossed their eyes made a satisfied smirk form on my lips. I held my head up and grabbed the shorts that my dad held between his jaws and put them on, knowing full well that those assholes were checking me out, Sphinx not liking it one bit.

"You very well know who I am and what brings me here, Joshua" I replied with a hard tone making the leader, Joshua, gulp but not back down

"I'm afraid I don't" he stated pissing me of

"Don't play dumb Joshua. I know what you did to a little omega that came to my lands not long ago today" I stated and he stiffened and his eyes roamed over his pack before landing back to mine, a smirk on his lips

"And what exactly did I do to him?" he questioned, my blood was starting to rise and I could feel Sphinx clawing to get out, my eyes shifted color from my dark green ones to light green.

"Use your imagination. I know that you're not the only person who did. I smelt more than one scent on him" i replied with a growl making him and the men he came out with to back away from me

"Why do you care about what happened to him?" the man to his right questioned

"Because he's my son" I replied and their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and I could here my pack and family gasp in my head at this revelation, they still didn't know that I had thought about raising him even though I haven't spoken with Hunter about this but I knew that he would agree with me.

"When you brought him I asked you specifically if he had any family and you said he didn't" Joshua yelled at the man to his left making him whimper

"I didn't catch any scent on him when I found him, Alpha, i swear" he replied

"He was kidnapped from my house when he was born, my mate and I have been searching for him for the past 7 years and never found him" I replied, they didn't need to know that I was lying right through my teeth, and I told that to my pack to make them understand. I even explained to them what had happened to the pup that led me to be here and they didn't take the news lightly specially my parents and siblings. They wanted to rip them apart limb from limb make them suffer for what they did to the omega pup. I looked at the pathetic Alpha shaking in his boots and I could smell his anxiety and fear from where I stood making me laugh causing them to look over at me.