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Kyler and Kenny's puppies ^


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The drive to the daycare to pick the twins up was silent aside from the soft hum of the radio playing in the background, and Brian and Hannah whispering up front. I should've agreed to get a ride from Logan when he offered. Why did I even say no to him giving a ride? Oh right because I wanted to spend what little time I had left with my brother before he left for boot camp but no, to him I'm invisible and Hannah and their baby was all that mattered to him right now. I mean its not like you're not going to see her every damn time because I can guarantee that he'll Skype call and text her every waking minute while in Florida and she's in college. I huffed and pulled out my phone and texted Logan

Wish I went with you instead :(-Hunter

Why? What's wrong babe?-Logan

They're ignoring me :'( -Hunter

Awe baby, 'm sorry. Where are you right now?-Logan I looked up to see that we had stopped at Taco Bell, Brian being gone leaving Hannah and I alone in the car

"Where's Brian?" I asked

"Inside, went to get us some food" she replied and I nodded and texted Logan my location and he told me to wait for him since he was only two minutes away as he had gone to Subway two blocks down the street. And not even two minutes later, Logan's Range Rover was pulling into the parking lot just as Brian walked out of the shop with five bags filled with food. I got out as Logan did the same and walked over to him, Brian stopping in his tracks and frowning

"Sup Logan. Hunter where are you going?" he asked as I got in Logan's car

"Going to spend time with Logan since my brother was completely ignoring me the whole car ride" i responded making curse

"Fuck, I'm sorry Hunter, I did-" I shrugged and closed the door but rolled the window down

"It's fine Bri, spend time with your girlfriend before you leave tonight"

"I'll make it up to you Hunt, promise" he said leaning over and kissing my forehead but I swatted him away

"I know, I'll see you later Bri" I said and he sighed

"Love you kiddo"

"You too" and with that said, Logan and Brian each got in the car before driving in different directions with Logan going to the daycare center and Brian to Hannah's house.

"So what do you want to do until I have to drop you and the boys off at yours to get ready?" he asked after a few seconds of silence and I thought about it and really I have been wanting to get puppies for the twins since forever and since their birthday was two weeks from today so I figured why not?

"Go to the animal shelter, I've been wanting to adopt these puppies since they were put up on the website two months ago" I replied and he nodded just as he pulled into the parking lot of the center. He parked and shut the engine off before we got out with our hands intertwined, this wouldn't be the first that Miss Daisy sees us together as we practically always show up together or he picks them up if neither Brian nor I can which was a bonus.

"You make such a cute couple" Miss Daisy had gushed when she saw Logan and I together for the first time and that was before we made our relationship official and that had made me blush like a firetruck making her giggle and Logan to kiss my cheek making it heat up even more.