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Scrapbook of baby Sierra ^


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My baby girl is already 8 months old today and I can't take it. She's growing up to fast, soon she'll be walking and getting into trouble. She's already talking. Her first word was 'daddy' and Logan had cried like a baby hearing that from Sierra. Can you imagine a tall muscular, tattooed man crying as he held his daughter as she babbled on and on? It was a sight to see I'll tell you that much. I may or may not have taken a few pictures of the scene to put on her baby scrap book. It's been tradition ever since the twins were still new born. She started teething already so she's gotten quite cranky. She started crawling a week ago and by today she's already standing on her own.

"HUNTER!" Logan's voice yelled from downstairs making me drop the toys in the twin's room and running down the stairs

"What is it? What's wrong?" I asked frantically only to freeze in my spot when I saw my little girl taking her first steps, Logan was recording every step she took. Tears filled my eyes as she followed Logan's retreating form on her wobbly legs making a smile and cover my mouth to keep the sobs from leaving my lips.

"That's a good girl, baby come to daddy, princess" Logan cooed as he set the camera down on the coffee table as Sierra squealed and clapped her little hands as she wobbled to her father and collapsed on his lap with a giggle making Logan laugh

"You did so good, baby, look at you you're growing so fast" he murmured and she looked up at him with her bright hazel eyes and a grin. I walked over to them and she looked my way and began squealing and kicking her little legs about when she spotted me

"Oh my goodness, princess you're getting so big" I whispered picking her up and peppering her little face with kisses making her laugh

"She's growing to fast, Logan. I don't want to grow yet" I whispered once we put her down for her nap.

"I know love but that's how life is" he replied kissing the back of my neck. the twins and BJ wanted to go to the pack house to play with their little friends while Logan and I stayed with Sierra. I sighed turning around in his arms and looking up at him

"She'll be one in a few months. My baby's growing to fast" I mumbled

"I know love. Come on let's eat dinner and we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie, how does that sound?" He asked pecking my lips with a soft smile

"Perfect" I hummed. So that's what we did, we had dinner and cuddled on the couch watching movie after movie before we were woken up by Sierra crying through the baby monitor and Logan went to check on her while I cleaned up our mess. He came down a minute later with a wide awake Sierra sucking on her pacifier and clean clothes.

"Want to head over to mom's?" he asked add I nodded taking her from Logan so he could get her diaper bag from the room while I strapped her into her carrier. Once he was back downstairs, we walked out of the house and got in the car to the pack house. Even though the house was built in the same land as the pack house, we were about 20 minutes away if we were to walk to over there.


"And then Liam was like you can't play with us because you're a meanie" Kyler concluded his story of how Liam had told one of the pack kids that he couldn't play with them because he had been picking on Kenny and Aiden