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It's been two days since Anthony was released from the infirmary and he fit right in with our family. Hannah found out that she was expecting another baby two weeks ago and we were beyond thrilled with the news of a second baby coming the family but at the same time we were worried that Brian wasn't going to be here when his second is born and I know Hannah is worried that he'd be missing this baby's birth as well.

"Dada,Dada" the twins yelled and chuckled shaking my head, they had gone back to calling me Dada a few days ago and it was a surprise but nonetheless I didn't comment on it as they change their minds more than Logan changes clothes and that's saying a lot. i hummed looking down at them as they came running in to the kitchen looking up, I was sitting down while feeding Sierra her baby food

"Papa says we go to the park" Kyler gushed

"And we can take doggies with us too" Kenny added making me nod with a smile

"Is that so?" I questioned

"Uh huh, he says we all go to the park after we eat lunch" Kyler responded

"Well can you go tell your brothers and Papa to come eat?" I asked looking down at the twins who nodded before rushing out of the kitchen yelling for their brothers and dad making me shake my head at them with a fond smile

"They are silly huh?" I asked making Sierra giggle and kick her legs about. She's turning one in a few weeks and I'll be 20 just a month after her. I finished feeding her just as my older boys and fiance walked in followed by the twins.

"We are here Dada" the twins shouted making me chuckle

"I can see that, no need to shout" I commented making them grin

"How's my favorite girl doing?" Logan cooed picking Sierra up from her highchair and peppering kisses all over her face making her squeal and giggle

"What would you boys like to eat?" I asked looking at the 5 year, 7 year and 11 year olds who all had their thinking faces on before beaming up at me

"Grill Cheese Dada, please" they exclaimed in unison making me chuckle

"Alright and what about you, Mr. Alpha?" I questioned my fiance who sat down on one of the stools and smiled

"I'll just have the same as the boys" he replied and I nodded and went to work.

"Daddy?" Kyler called

"What is it bud?" Logan questioned

"Do we have to go to school?" Kenny asked

"Yes, and so are BJ and Anthony" I replied for Logan making them whine and complain about not liking school and that it was not fun

"School is not that bad, you make new friends and you get to play many different games" I said but they shook their heads

"No Dada, we don't want to go to school we want to stay home with you and help you with sissy" Kyler mumbled and Kyler nodded

"Dada, when do we go to school?" Anthony asked as he ate the grill cheese that I sat in front of him and his brothers

"Not for another two months" I replied placing their drinks down and took Sierra from Logan so he could eat properly and sat down across from him with Sierra on my lap with a beaming smile, her front teeth showing.