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Liam, Micah,Knox, Elena ^


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A few days after Logan's sweet words, I was yet again at his house for his little brother's birthday. He said that Liam wanted the twins there because he wanted to be their friend and I found that to be cute. A four year old wanting to befriend two little 1 year old was to adorable. The twins were beyond happy about going back to the Levine's state because the last time we were there, they saw an aquarium full of types of see animals, from fish to small sharks and turtles, plus they even saw a few puppies running around the house with their mother chasing them.

"So what did you get Liam?" Molly asked as she and the others walked up to me and I looked at her with a raised brow

"That my dear friend will be revealed when he opens his presents and I don't think he will for another couple hours" I stated making her roll her eyes

"You're no fun" she huffed making me shake my head

"Why do you even want to know what I got a 4 year old?" she shrugged

"I don't know" was her answer making me roll my eyes and shake my head with a chuckle

"You're so weird" I commented making her grin

"But love me" She stated

"And sometimes I question myself" I joked making her narrow her eyes at me

"You're an asshole, Hunter"

"And you love me" I cheekily replied causing her to nod in mock shame

"And sometimes I wonder why" she muttered with fake disappointment

"Oh hush up" I chuckled

"What are you two girls talking about?" Conner asked as he walked over to us and threw his arms over our shoulders

"For your information I'm not a girl" I huffed making him raise a brow

"You sure about that?" he asked making me narrow my eyes at him

"Shut up" I hissed before pushing him off of me and walking away ignoring him and Molly telling me to come back. I hated the fact that I was one of those few men that can get pregnant. It has always been a hard thing for me to find someone to love me for me and not be disgusted when I would tell them that I was hermaphrodite. It had always been an issue with me since I was little. I was always bullied because of it.

That had also been another reason why both my Father and Chris both walked out of my life. Just thinking of the possibility that Logan would be disgusted with me brought tears to my eyes and my heat to throb painfully in my chest. What if he leaves me because of my condition? What if he finds me repulsive because of it? I know he said he'd never hurt me but who's to say that he will once he finds out that I can get pregnant? I found Logan inside sitting around the island in the kitchen and ran to him. He jumped when he felt my small frame land on him but nonetheless he wrapped his arms around me and held me as I cried

"Shh, baby what's wrong?" he whispered rubbing my back in soothing circles but I just shook my head. How can I tell him that I was crying because I'm scared of his reaction? How can I tell him that I'm scared that he'd leave me just like my Dad and Chris left me? He just tightened his hold on me and let me cry on his chest.