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"LOGAN!" I yelled from our bathroom as I looked at the multiple tests sitting on the sink, all with either two red lines, a plus sign or positive on them. I placed my hand on my flat belly and smiled as tears filled my eyes at the thought of having another baby

"What is it? Are you hurt? Who do I have to kill?" he asked frantically as he practically slammed the door open and searched the room for any sign of danger before checking me over for any injuries making me giggle and push him away from me with a beaming smile

"I'm fine baby, we're good. 'M not hurt" I replied and I widen my eyes with the slip up and he stared at me curiously with a narrowed eyes

"What you do mean 'we're good'?" he asked and I bit my lip to keep the smile from forming and looked at Logan before grabbing his hand and placing it on my belly making him look at me with curiosity before his eyes grew to the size of saucers and he twirled around and caught sight of the five pregnancy tests on the counter before he was looking back at me

"We-we're having another baby?" he stuttered and I nodded with a small smile making him smile so big that I was afraid it was going to split his face in half before he was engulfing me into his arms as he peppered kisses all over my face making me laugh and try to get away from him but melted when his lips met mine in a soft kiss

"I love you, you know?" I asked and he nodded and nuzzled my neck making me giggle as his hair tickled my neck and felt him smiling against my skin

"Love you more" he murmured

"Nuh Uh, I love you the most" I concluded, he chuckled

"I love you the bestest"

"I love you with my whole heart"

"I love you more than my life" he murmured and I felt my heart fluttered at his words

"I love you more than anything in this world, Logan" I whispered before placing my lips against his in a heartstopping kiss

"You, the kids, and even those annoying overgrown puppies mean everything to me" He mumbled making me laugh as he included Shadow and Storm

"I'm scared, Logan" I whispered after a few seconds of silence

"Of what baby?" he quizzed moving my hair out of my eyes so that my brown ones met his hazel green ones

"Losing you. Losing the kids. Losing my friends, family my brother. I-I don't know what I'd do if I lost you all" I whimpered, lip quivering

"I'm not going anywhere baby. No matter how much we get on each other's nerves and how many times we want to strangle the other to death, there's no one better than you. I will always fight to be here for you. You're my saving grace, Hunter. You gave me the strength that I need to keep going. We've been together since the twins were 2 years old, and we'll be together until we have grandkids and great grandchildren. We'll be together forever, baby." He murmured wiping my tears away and I buried my face in his chest as I cried silently against him as his arms wrapped around me shaking body and just held me whispering sweet nothings into my ear and kissing my temple, forehead and lips.

"Dada? Papa?" we heard making us pull away and look to the door to see our boys and girl standing in the doorway looking worried with wide eyes

"What is it?" I asked as I stood up from Logan's lap and he stood up