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Hunter's House ^


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"Hey, Hunter" I turned around at the sound of my name and waited for Logan to catch up since he was almost at the end of the hall. He had Science class while I had History so we were at different ends of the hall. Students looked at him as if he were insane he was running with his backpack hanging over his shoulder. I held in a chuckle when he tripped over one of the students sitting on the floor.

"SORRY" he yelled when he finally reached me, his sister and brother walking around the corner looking at him with raised brows.

"Why are you yelling?" Rachel asked

"He tripped over a kid on the floor" I replied making them chuckle and Logan to blush

"It was an accident" he huffed before throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me down the hall with his siblings in tow. As we reached the cafeteria, my friends and brother caught up with us. The cafe went silent when we entered and all the jocks and popular students looked our way, most specific my way with sneers, and eyes filled with amusement before Brandon stood up and yelled

"Here comes the boy with no father" at top of his lungs causing the room to fill with laughter making tears fill my eyes

"Now his brother is leaving for the Army, no one loves you Hunter, you're path-" he continued but was cut off by Alex, Dylan's twin brother, tackling him to the floor and punching him square in the jaw.

"You're the one who's pathetic, jackass. You make fun of Hunter because you know how it feels to be bullied. You are nothing but a piece of shit who thinks that it's funny to make fun of someone who's father walked out on them when they were a kid and that the only person who ever gave a crap about them is leaving for the military. You are just like him Brandon. Your father walked out on you when you were born" Dylan said making every one gasp and Brandon to glare up at the twins

"Never forget that we were once friends, Brandon. That we know every secret of yours but we are not dicks like you. Hunter and you have more things in common than anyone in this place so don't pretend that you are better than only because you're a jock and he's not. At least he's a much better friend than you were" Alex finished as he stood over him

"Watch your back Brandon, and that goes to every single douche bag in this room, I hear anything that will hurt Hunter, and well make you all regret it" Johnny said

"Come on Hunter, lets go sit down" Logan whispered, I nodded and kept my head down but he stopped me and lifted my chin up

"Never look down Hunter. Don't give the satisfaction of seeing you hurt. Show them that you are stronger than they you are. Never let their words get to you" he whispered, his green eyes burning into my brown ones. I nodded and gave him a soft smile

"Good, now where's that smile" he asked with a pout making me giggle and all the while ignoring the looks from the students

"There we go. Always keep that smile on your face Hunter," he said pulling me into a hug, I just nodded wrapping my own around his waist and burying my face in his chest


"So tell me more about yourself, Hunter" Logan said as we sat outside in the yard. We had Gym together. We had just finished running a mile and I was panting like a dog on a hot summer day while Logan over here was just drinking water as if we didn't just run a mile.