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Mike and Lykan's twins ^


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I sighed as I got out of bed when the baby monitor went off and Sierra's wails and whimpers were heard. I ran a hand through my hair and looked to the bed only to frown when Logan wasn't laying there. I looked at the time and saw it was a little over 8 in the morning. The only explanation that I have is that he woke up to go train and a perimeter check. I was about to walk out of the room when I heard the door open to the nursery and frowned, and worry soon evaded my system only to get them squash down when i heard BJ's voice over the monitor

"Hey it's OK princess, you're OK. Don't need to cry. Shh," and I felt a smile grow on my face as I continued to hear BJ calm Sierra down enough for me to wash up and change. Once I was changed in gray sweat pants and one of Logan's shirts I walked out of the room and to Sierra's nursery where I found BJ leaning over the crib making the 2 month old giggle and coo up at him. I smiled and leaned on the door frame and watched them interacting with each other before making myself known. He jumped and looked at me with wide eyes, he looked as if he were on the verge of crying but I gave him a soft smile and walked in pulling him into a hug giving him a gentle kiss on his temple making him relax and hug back burying his face in my chest a sigh leaving his lips

"I didn't like hearing her crying, 'm sorry if it was wrong" he murmured

"You did nothing wrong BJ, 'm not mad at you for calming her down" I reassured as I pulled back to look at him and smiled

"Now would you like to help me change her?" i questioned making him beam and nod

"Really?" he asked with bright blue eyes

"Yes" he grinned nodding his head as I picked my baby girl up and carried her to her changing table. I asked BJ to pass me a clean diaper along with the wipes.

"Here mommy" he said and I paused in my movements and looked at him with surprise in my eyes making him widen his eyes

"So-sorry Luna" he whimpered

"Don't apologize, BJ. I was surprised that you'd start calling me that as soon as we adopted you" I whispered as I hugged and kissed his head as he began to silently cry into my chest

"Re-really? You're my new mommy and Alpha Logan my new daddy?" he asked looking up at me with tear filled eyes and I nodded

"Mhm, what do you think of that? Would you like to be our son?" I quizzed and he nodded

"Yeah" he mumbled with a sniffle before giggling when Sierra began fussing and whining and I chuckled forgetting that I had her in just a diaper.

"Want to pick something up for her?" I asked making the 11 year old beam before walking the wardrobe and picking out a green dress with flowers and matching headband and little mittens that will keep her from scratching her face.I smiled and praised him for the outfit making him beam.

"Alright little miss, you are ready to go, now time to get the twins up and ready" I said making her give me a toothless smile. We walked out of the nursery just in time to see Logan walking out of the twins room. Kyler had on a plaid button up shirt with a gray vest over it, gray skinny jeans with matching shoes and fedora hat and Kenny had on a white rolling stones shirt under a blue button up shirt that was left unbuttoned, black jeans, black vans and a matching snap back hat. These two were going to be the death of me with how cute they looked. They were my little fashionistas.

"Oh my goodness, don't you both look handsome?" i gasped making them grin

"Daddy put on" they exclaimed making me chuckle

"I see" I said and noticed that Logan had on a gray sweater with the sleeves scrunched up to the elbows, black skinny jeans and black boots

"I see you've been teaching them how to dress" I chuckled making him smile and walk over to me and take Sierra

"You love it" he teased and I can't deny that, because I do. I rolled my eyes fondly and told BJ to go get dressed and he nodded walking to his room right across from the nursery

"How's my favorite girl doing, hm?" Logan cooed at the two month old making her coo back at him and kick her tiny legs in joy at seeing her father.

"I'm going to get ready, I'll meet you all downstairs" I said as I turned on my heels and headed to mine and Logan's room to shower and get changed. I sighed and walked to the bathroom and quickly showered before drying off and returning back to the room to pick out my outfit for the day. I grabbed my favorite Mickey Mouse sweater, white skinny jeans, my white Vans and snap back. I quickly got dressed and headed out the room and down to the kitchen where my little family were already eating breakfast with my parents and Logan's parents, siblings,( aside from Lykan and Mike since we got a call two nights ago about Mike having severe stomach pains and was rushed to the hospital where he had an emergency C-section to deliver their twins a boy and girl) Hannah and baby Phoenix, and Aiden, all were munching away on their pancakes and bacon. I looked over at BJ and saw that he was wearing a white graphic shirt, black beanie, matching skinny jeans with black and white high tops.

"Morning everyone sorry for being late" I greeted and took my seat beside Logan and began eating. We were going to visit Mike and Lykan at the hospital before going to see the house. I was excited.


"Hunt, stay I need to speak with you" Logan said holding my arm and making me frown but nod telling the rest to head inside with the kids.

"What is it?" I asked

"I had the pack bring Mary and Carl to the house after I went to speak with them. They are being interrogated to get the names of those bastards that raped BJ" he replied and I nodded

"You should have done that instead of going to their place" I muttered and he nodded with a sigh running a hand through his hair

"I know" he huffed making me chuckled and leaned over to peck his lips

"But at least they're getting questioned and hopefully we'll get names" I mumbled

"They better or so help me, I will make there death painful" he growled. I smiled and kissed him again before pulling him towards the hospital and up to Mike's room where the whole family were.

"How you feeling Mickey?" Logan asked

"Sore, but good" Mike answered with a smile

"So where are the new Levine's?" I asked

"They're in NICU. They were born two months early. It hurts to not be able to hold them" he said with a broken voice making my heart ache for him. It must be hard having your kids taking from you the moment they were born and not being able to do anything or hold them.

"Do you know how long they'll be there?"Caroline asked

"Until they can breath properly. Their lungs weren't fully developed when they were born, at least that what they told me when I woke up once the anesthesia wore off" Mike replied

"Where's Lykan?" I asked just noticing the oldest Levine wasn't in the room

"Getting something to eat with the kids" Mike answered

"have you picked names for them yet?" Mitch asked

"Yeah, Achilles Aart and Aileen Addison" he answered with a big smile.

"Perfect names for perfect babies"


