Blue Masks

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Lumine smiled akwardly and proceeded to run to the assasin. "Are you okay?" Lumine asked and helped him up from the ground. "Yeah." He said and shook his head.

"Well, this proved something..." Akashi said. "What?" Lumine asked. "You and Akito would be placed in the final trial." Akashi said.

"Say what?!" Lumine and Akito exclaimed. "Well.... I would say that it's a narrow escape for you, Akito is a skilled purple mask. I decided to give him another chance. While you are the winner of the elimation trials." He said.

"I forgot to tell you about that, sorry Lumine!" Chihiro said. Lumine groaned and dropped her head low. "You have 1 week to train yourself harder." Akashi said to both.

"Looking forward to your performance, Lumine." Akashi said.

"This is a disaster! I didn't even train to face against a blue mask!" Lumine said. "On the bright side, you get the chance to level up again within a few months! I'm so jealous of you!" Chihiro said.

"Well you helped me along the way, you can give yourself a credit." Lumine said. "Aww, really?" Chihiro giggled. "Of course." Lumine said.

The master looked at them from afar and smiled proudly.

My eyes didn't deceive me afterall.

He said to himself.

Chihiro had been helping Lumine to train in order to help her during the trial, that is to unmask their trainer. They'll be placed in another room, far away from the purple mask in order to keep the trainer's face as a secret for the upcoming candidates.

Lumine worked hard until she got herself into some injuries. She's fighting for her life to surpass her trainer. "Geez, I can't imagine facing the master. Our blue mask trainer is already a torture, talking about the black masked master!" Lumine groaned.

"You only need to focus on the blue masks for now. The black mask could be worried later." Chihiro said. "You're right." Lumine said. "The thing is, I'm actually helping you to train like a green mask instead of the blue, so it's a bit too intense for your level." Chihiro said.

"What?!" Lumine exclaimed. "Hey, we need to train for the best." Chihiro said. "You have a point there." Lumine said and leaned on the wall as she rests on the ground.

"Even though I'm not allowed in the examination room, I would be outside to cheer for you and Akito." Chihiro said and smiled.

"Thanks." Lumine said and smiled at Chihiro.

The examination day finally arrived. Lumine was woken up early to report at the examinors. While waiting, she was stretching as she was soothing her stress.

By the time it arrives, she was brought into the examination room along with Akito. The master and other masked trainers (excluding purple and blue) came in and sat down at the examination zone.

Lumine and Akito bowed at Akashi and got into position. The room was silent, building up the tension of the atmosphere.

The bell rang and the other blue masks started the countdown of 15 minutes. Lumine panicked and didn't know what to do while Akito handles Akashi reading his every move.

Lumine stood there and saw the two figures running left and right. The master frowned and clenched his fist in nervousness.

Come one Lumine, move! Or else you can't unmask him!

He thought nervously as he watched the whole exam. The other examinors beside him had started gossiping about the frozen Purple mask.

5 minutes have passed. Lumine was still standing there not knowing what to do. Suddenly Akashi ran to her from behind.

Lumine! Behind you!

The Master stood up from his seat. Akashi's hand was about to touch Lumine's mask, but Akito kicked him off. "Hey! Newbie! If you want to pass this exam you better move your body!" Akito yelled and Lumine.

Lumine was startled and got back to her senses. She looked at the count down and realised that she was left with 5 more minutes. She looked at the 2 figures still sparring at eachother.

But soon, Akashi had pinned Akito on the ground and got his hands on the mask. His mask was uncovered and he was disqualified. The other masked assasins brought him out and Lumine was left.

"Huh, you didn't move at all, that's how you remained until now." Akashi said after turning his head to see Lumine standing there. She reversed a bit and ran to Akashi.

Lumine jumped to Akashi and stepped over his shoulder as a vault (and his head as the vault table, ouch.). She did handspring vault and landed infront of Akashi while he stumbled foward.

He was amused by how Lumine just pulled off a green mask move.

She managed to nail a movement that is 2 level above her? Wow, she is built different.

Akashi thought in his mind, surprised. And so is the other examinors.

But in reality it's just some random artistic gymnastic move.

However, artistic gymnastic wasn't really her dominant gymnastic type, so she didn't land on her feet properly. She off balanced and fell on her butt. Akashi ran up to catch his falling apprentice and resulted of getting his mask pulled off when she tried to find support.

The time is up and the bell rang again. Lumine was stunned by her 3rd time narrow escape. The examinors stood up and clapped.

The purple masks outside heard the clapping from the inside and realised that Lumine had passed the exam.

"She passed!" Chihiro screeched excitedly and shook Akito by the shoulders. Akito sighed disappointingly Lumine got out. "Congrats!!!" Chihiro screeched happily while Lumine smiled.

"Congratulations.... I guess..." Akito said. "Thanks Akito, you did a great job there too." Lumine said. Akito raised his head and smiled at Lumine.

"Anyway, time to train for the final trial!" Chihiro said. "Will you help us Akito?" Lumine asked. "Sure, I might learn a few things or two." He said.

Main Characters are always lucky, this is her 3rd narrow escape. Anyway, I hope you liked this and have a great day. Word count: 1015.

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