The last sacrifice

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They sat by the fire side together in a circle. "We can't go out of this forest." Lumine said. "Why?" Ayaka asked. "Those assasins are waiting outside. And I believe some even came in to search for us." Lumine said.

"Where are they from actually?" Ayato asked. Lumine avoided answering him and placed a bowl of water beside Tori.

"Can you be possibly from that place? Are they your allies?" Ayato pursued. "If I was with them, I wouldn't have escorted you." Lumine said.

"But you wanted me dead didn't you?" Ayato whispered into her ear. "Yeah, and you are supposed to die under my blade so that I get the credits." Lumine replied into his ears.

"So you are from different organisations huh?" Ayato asked. "Of course." Lumine replied. "What are you two talking about?" Ayaka suddenly asked. "Nothing." Lumine replied.

Days passed as they stayed in the forest, their stomachs started rumbling louder and louder. "It's been 5 five days since we ate...." Ayaka said as she lied at the tree bark.

"I'm no professional in plants, sorry...." Ayato said. "Neither am I actually....." Lumine said as they lied against eachother head to head.

Lumine collapsed and left the two siblings screaming in panick. "Looks like she fainted of starvation." Ayaka said. "Lumine! Lumine!" Ayato shook Lumine as she was lying on the floor.

Lumine struggled open her eyes and groaned. "Oh gosh, I thought you are dead." Ayato said and hugged Lumine.

"I'm almost dead." Lumine said. "You can't die yet! If you do I'll get assassinated by someone else." Ayato said. "You're right..." Lumine groaned to sit up.

Tori, who recovered fully, jumped to Lumine and snuggled under her palms. "It's been a week since I ate." Lumine said. "This forest wasn't really resourceful." Lumine groaned. "Why?" Ayaka asked.

"It lacks of sunlight, all we had is just tall trees and ferns. It's hard to find any edible plats. And this place rarely rains, it's utterly dry and there is no mushrooms." Lumine said.

"The most important part is, there isn't any food can be found in here. There wouldn't be much animals." Lumine said.

"If we stay here for any longer, we could've died of starvation." Lumine said.

The bird looked at Lumine quietly. She was weak of starvation until she could barely move. The bird decided to sacrifice itself.

Tori gave Lumine a sharp twig and lied down stomach up, trying to bring it's message to Lumine. "Why? You want tickles?" Lumine asked.

Tori got back up to it's claws and and started to give it's message again.

"Could it be he wants to be our food?" Ayato asked Lumine. Which earned him a slap in the face. "How could you say that to Tori, he saved us alot there!" Lumine screamed at Ayato as he held the stinging cheek.

But then Tori went to Ayato's palms and snuggled underneath it.

What?! Tori couldn't mean it could it?

Lumine thought anxiously. Afterall this is her only companion that had braved through the storms with her.

Do I really have to do it?

Lumine's hands trembled as Tori looked at Lumine stomach facing us once more. It felt like Tori could talk at the last moment.

I've been helping you alot, and this is going to be my last sacrifice as your companion.

There is no kidding at this part, our faithful birdie IS gonna die. How weird that it's a weird way to sacrifice. I put the word in bold so that it has more effects and it is going to be remembered.

By the way, I had a nightmare yesterday.

I dreamt about humans doesn't need to feel pain when they give birth in the future, just take a nap and your child is born....

But then who knew that the procedure was inhumane, they just kill off the child in body and replace it with another replication made by nuclear source.

Which made the whole world being polluted after the nuclear waste was let out. My hands are telling me to turn this into a genshin fic lol (but I dunno) so what do you think?

Anyway I hope you liked tbis and have a great day. Word count: 708.

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