The Execution

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Trigger warning: Blood. (Yes, again. Watch at your own risk.)

Lumine lied on the hard floor and groaned to wake up as the sunlight pierces her eyes. The sound of heavy footsteps with clattering sounds, it's the guards.

Lumine shot opened her eyes as she was dragged on the floor by the guards.

Right, the slow torture- uh no, the execution.

Lumine was forced to kneel in the public and people surrounded her, Ayato and the fiancée had the front row tickets.

"Permission to start your highness?" The guard asked. Ayato nodded and they took out the same whip.

Ayaka was rushing on the roads, often tripping on her Geta, rocks or twigs.

Hang on there Lumine! I'm coming to prove your innocence.

Ayaka gritted her teeth.

The whips landed on Lumine's back as she flinched. Eventually, the leather suit ripped open and those whips landed on her actual skin.

Those rough whips had slashed open her skin as she trembled in pain. But that's the point, to leave her bleeding in pain.

Ayaka reached the scene and shoved the crowds away. "Brother please abort this procedure!" Ayaka ran infront of Ayato.

Ayato ordered the people to stop and looked at Ayaka. "I- I found the assasin." Ayaka said.

The fiancée gasped quietly. Ayaka ordered Thoma to bring him out and there he is, a foreign assasin tied up and had branding marks.

"Please leave me alone!" He cried out. "No can do, not after you confess whatever that happened." Thoma crossed his arms beside him.

"Or do you want a few more rou-" "Okay! Okay! It was me!" He quickly said, cutting off Thoma. Thoma felt offended and looked at him flabbergasted.

Ayato looked at Lumine who was nearly out of breath, and back to him. Lumine was struggling to keep her eyes open where she saw a shimmering kunai again.

Even with those wound, exhaustion and her arms tied to her back, she stood up and jumped to Ayaka.

She tackled Ayaka on the floor and the kunai flew above their heads, stabbing on the table before Ayato.

There is no assasin in the crowds, but lurking in those corners. And they came by large groups. "We must go now your highnesses." Lumine said.

The both blue haired siblings fled from the scene with Lumine being the lead. Her steps were not as firm and strong anymore, but weak and wobbly.

Ayato was feeling guilty, he could've asked that one more question before whipping her again.

Seeing how she was struggling on her runs, he picked her up on the piggy ride.

Oh wait, that's a bit inelegant. But they are already running for their lives and- you know what? Lemme change it a bit.

Seeing how she struggles every step, he picked her up over his shoulders.

You know what? Let's try something romantic after all those tragic things.

Seeing how she steps out those struggling paces, he picked her up in his arms.

Lumine was shocked, but it's not time for arguments. The assasins followed them tightly and doesn't seem to be gone, even though they ran into the forest labyrinth.

Lumine had her final hope, her companion.

"Tori!" Lumine screamed out. The bird flew to her and landed on Ayato's head. "Hey! What is this bird doing on my head?!" Ayato asked.

"Tori, please, I need reinforcements." Lumine said and Tori flew away.

It didn't take long for a huge flock of birds charging at them, getting time for them to escape.

"Is it that bird of yours?" Ayato asked. "Yeah, a companion of mine." Lumine said. Ayato placed her down below a tree.

Ayaka removed Lumine's clothes and saw the blood stained leather suit. She looked at him in disbelief and Ayato avoided her gaze.

Ayaka accidentally touched her wounds and Lumine shrieked in pain, flinching.

"Sorry!" Ayaka exclaimed and found bruises. Ayaka gasped and covered her mouth. "It's okay, I'm good." Lumine said.

Lumine torn down the rags and covered the wounds. A familiar chirp rang in her ears, it's Tori.

It was flying unstably and crashed into Lumine's arms. "Tori?" Lumine tried to ask for it's consciousness.

The bird was chirping silently and Lumine saw the injured wing. It's pearl white wings had been tainted in crimson red blood. It's flesh and bones could be seen, and the siblings turned away in disgust.

Lumine gathered leaves and placed Tori on it.

Oh.... I ran out of emergency fabrics....

Lumine thought and she squeezed her lips into a thin line. Ayato stood beside her and sighed.

Wonder why am I doing this....

Ayato tore down his sleeve and gave it to Lumine. "Here, for your.... bird." He said. Lumine took the sleeve and carefully wrapped up Tori's wings.

She even managed to make a comfy cushion with the remaining fabrics.

After that she jumped and hugged Ayato, hanging on his neck. "Thanks...." Lumine said as a few tears which shaped like pearls fell down and hits Ayato's naked shoulder.

His shocked azure eyes were soon softened and was curved as he smiled. He wrapped Lumine's waist with his arms. (To support Lumine and not snap his neck (the initial intention) Or it can also be meant in a different way.)

Ayaka held Tori in her hands. Lumine instantly snapped out of her thoughts and lets go of Ayato.

His smile instantly faded as both stood side by side, trying to recover from that akward atmosphere.

There, some Ayato x Lumine scenes (if you wanted). Anyway, thanks for reading my blabbers. I hope you liked this chapter and have a great day. Word count: 941.

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