The Last Minute

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"But you would die in 5 minutes." Lumine said. "As long as it isn't pulled out, I should have a 10 minutes." Ayato counted. "Stopwatch." Ayato said. "Oh, of course." Lumine quickly took out her stopwatch at her pocket.

She clicked on the 10 minutes and it started ticking. "I loved your stopwatch by the way, it's pretty." Ayato said.

"Tell me something I don't know." Ayato added and signalled Lumine to lie down beside him. "I know your secrets." Lumine said and caught Ayato's attention.

"You hate people touching your Triceps, it reminds you of maidens seducing you." Lumine said. "Yeah, and I'm ticklish too." Ayato said. "Wait, you are?" Lumine sat up. "Yeah." Ayato said and pulled Lumine back to the grass. "

"If they touch it, you tell them as the first warning, then you avoid as the second warning, if they still don't leave you alone, you might break their arm." Lumine nodded.

"There is no way I'll do that." Ayato said. "Oh yeah? You don't give a third warning do you?" Lumine asked for confirmation, but Ayato replied her with silence. "I eavesdropped your conversation with your fiancée before." Lumine said.

"You are insecure of your torso, and you don't like people touching your waist." Lumine said. "What a surprise, you knew about that." Ayato chuckled. "Staring at your stomach everyday gave it a way." Lumine said.

"You did take a good look at me." Ayato said. "Of course, I had to assasinate you." Lumine said.

"And do you know I don't like people touching ny neck?" Ayato added. "Wait.... What?" Lumine gasped.

After that she jumped and hugged Ayato, hanging on his neck. "Thanks...." Lumine said as a few tears which shaped like pearls fell down and hits Ayato's naked shoulder.

His shocked azure eyes were soon softened and was curved as he smiled. He wrapped Lumine's waist with his arms.


Lumine looked at Ayato beside her. She peeked at the stopwatch in her palms. There is only 1 minute left.

"Can you hold me in your arms? I don't want to be lonely." Ayato said. He was a very mature man, but at his last minute, he wanted to return to his childlike form.

It was a familiar because he remembered something like that was said before, yet foreign because he never asked for the request.

The highlights of his life flashed in his mind again.

"Mom look! I found a sakura blossom, and it's blue!" Ayato said as he held the azure flower in his hands. "Go wash your hands and practice your bladework instead of playing with these." Her mother said.

He was left disappointed, leaving his head hanging low holding onto the flower.

He was 5.

"Blade works, blade works, blade works again!" Ayato broke the training dummy.

"Mama look! I found a skaura blossom! And it's blue!" The same statement rang in his ears. "Wow! Aya-chan is so smart!" Her mother complimented her.

Her father came and held her in his arms like a precious gem. "I must show this to bug brother!" Ayaka said and jumped down.

"Big brother! Ayaya found a sakura blossom!" Ayaka said, she was so eager to show Ayato.

We are the same age, why did things turn out completely different? Why?! This isn't fair!

As if hatred swallowed his entire being, he was trembling in anger.


"What happened?!" Her parents reached the scene. Ayaka was sitting on the floor with dirt on her hands. "Kamisato Ayato!" Her mother yelled at him. He was locked up in the room until he repents.

He was 10.

Ayato gripped the quill hard as he frowned at the stack of works infront of him. He had to study, train, study, train. It felt like an endless loop.

He accidentally knocked over the ink and stained the scrolls. "No... No!" Ayato quickly took away the ink.

The ink stained the papers and everything is ruined.

"You can't even write a letter properly, how am I going to put this kingdom into your hands?" His father asked.

He was 16.

But then even though he was living a stressful life, there is always that one person he wants to see eagerly everytime...

A pretty blonde girl.

"That's a pretty flower, can I have it?" She asked. "You want it?" Ayato asked. "Mhm! I've never seen a blue sakura before." She said.

"Here you go." Ayato said and gently placed the flower in her hands.

She was 5.

"Hey, are you bored in there?" She asked as she held the window frame, high up there tippy toes.

"Yeah." Ayato said. "Can I accompany you?" She asked. "Sure." Ayato said.

She jumped up and climbed into the room. She sat down beside Ayato. "My hair got a bit messy, can you help me with it?" She asked.

"Huh? Sure." Ayato said. The girl pulled out her hair pin and her beautiful, silky long and golden hair fell down.

"Help me brush it please?" She asked while handing him a delicate hair brush.

They spent the whole day doing her hair.

She was 10.

Ayato was drowning himself in sadness after being scolded by his father. It hurts, even though he didn't mean it.

"Feeling sad your highness?" Her voice rang in his ears. He turned around and saw her again.

"Yeah, but it disappeared when I saw you my maiden." He said. She chuckled and sat down beside him hugging him gently.

"No matter what life throws at you, you can always come to me." She said.

She was 16.

Ayato promised celestia that he would marry this girl who had always been by his side all his life when he turns 18.

He celebrated his 18 birthday, and he was holding exactly 326 Akaibaras, waiting by the girl underneath the moon.

He was ready to tell her how pretty the moon is, but....

She is gone forever as she lied quietly in his arms, holding his hand.

They were 18....

"You never told me your name blonde maiden, I wonder what was it?" Ayato murmured before he closes his eyes forever.

Lumine felt a stinging pain in her throat as she finally lost it. Tears streamed down and she touched her forehead to his.

I'm sorry your highness, I know I remind you of that girl you deeply loved the most but I'm just not her.

Lumine held his hand.

Ayato could have sentenced her to death that day when he found out that she was an assasin, but she looked too much alike with his first love, that blonde maiden he can never forget.

He would rather be stabbed by her than to kill her. He's having a fight in him everytime to punish her or not. It hurt when she gets punished, but it feels wrong if he didn't punish her after she was guilty.

Lumine quietly cleaned him up and found out how nice he looked like, without tension between eachother.

I am feeling funny now, I kinda wanted to cry, but then sadly I don't feel like it. Anyway, I hope you liked this and have a great day. Word count: 1198.

Assasin (Lumine X Ayato)Where stories live. Discover now