1. Bad idea

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Emily POV

The freezing autumn air rushed in through my open bedroom window making the hairs on my arms stand to attention. My window was always open, no matter the weather, the sound of the rain making me feel strangely comforted. And the street lamps providing a yellowish light to spill into my room. My main light was off, as usual, as the small lamp was always lit on my desk, lighting the work that sat in front of me.

Once again, the weather was terrible, this was the second storm we'd had in a week. Luckily, it was the weekend and i didn't have to drag myself to school in this, knowing that i would definitely be drenched by the time i made it in. My house was far away from the school, a good forty-five minute walk, being surrounded by trees with a long driveway leading up to it. It was a small cottage type house but had a modern interior. My dad and me had lived in this house for years and ever since mum left us with no real reason, dad had poured all of his time into decorating the house.

I had deliberately left my window open so that i could stay awake and finish my final piece of homework for English. My teacher, Mr Francis, had set us the impossible task of writing a five page essay on the themes of Romeo and Juliet. Yawn. Although the work in itself was easy in my eyes, writing for five pages was not something i wanted to do on a Saturday. I was usually out with my friends but they all had the same homework as me and we wanted to get it done as soon as possible.

I was four pages down and couldn't think of anything else to write about, i had written about romance, fate, hate, betrayal but i needed a fifth theme if i was going to finish this tonight. I tapped the end of my pen against my desk, thinking to myself as i did so, trying to come up with a theme.

My eyes snapped to my side as my phone lit up with an incoming call. Studying it for a second, i picked it up, reluctant to having distractions. A chipper voice came met my ears as i realised i hadn't even read who it was calling.

"Hey girlie!" An all too happy Piper greeted. She was the only one who called me girlie, so she was instantly recognisable.

"Yes?" I questioned, wanting the call to end so that i could once again, put all of my attention on Romeo and Juliet.

"Have you finished the homework yettt," She whined, i knew what she was trying to do "It's too hardddd"

I sighed before giving my answer, "No i haven't, and no you're not getting my themes." I quickly added, knowing that was going to be her next question.

"Buttt" She continued, trying to fake cry now. Why am i even still friends with this girl?

"No" I replied sternly before hanging up the phone and tossing it onto my bed.

Continuing to tap my pen in annoyance, my phone rang again. I let it ring. It was most likely Piper again ringing about the homework and i seriously do not have to time. Why cant she just google it? Personally i don't like using google, i prefer thinking of my own answers or asking a person that i can trust, like Mr Francis or Dad. My phone rung again, so i slammed my pen down on the desk before walking over the my bed, picking it up.

"No!" I shouted down the phone assuming it was Piper still attempting to get my answers for the essay.

"Wow ouch," A deep voice answered, and i cringed knowing it definitely wasn't Piper. "Hello to you too, shortie"

"Sorry Damien," I apologised, pinching the bridge of my nose in embarrassment. "Piper's been bugging me about the English homework again"

"Oh, don't worry about me asking, I've already finished it. The themes i got were Love, Hate, Family Honour, Death and Friendship"

My eyes popped out of their skull, "Friendship! Damien you're a genius, can i use it as my last theme?"

He let out a chuckle before answering, "Only if you open the door," I stared at my bedroom door hesitantly. This door? "Hurry up, there is a storm outside"

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