3. Who is he?

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Emily's POV (7 years later)

(Start of flashback)

"I'll see you around, Em" Damien cried as he pulled me into a hug again, this time swaying us from side to side.

His voice cracked as he spoke and my heart couldn't handle the pain anymore. I allowed my tears to fall on to his chest. My breathing grew shaky as we stood there in silence, the only sounds heard were that of our breathing and the birds that were in the garden.

"We'll see each other again," i whispered as he pulled away from me "I know *beep* *beep*"

(End of flashback)

*beep* *beep*

I groaned as i pulled my body up from a slouch and picked up the office phone. Putting on a fake smile and taking a deep breath as i held it up to my ear.

"Good morning, Harmony Enterprises, Emily speaking ,how many i help you?" I sighed to myself, why can i just say 'I'm Emily, what do you want'? It would be quicker.

"Well good morning Emily," A very posh old man greeted from the other side of the phone "I am Mr Owen's client, Clive"

Oh shit. I forgot he was in today. I quickly scanned my diary seeing that he was pencilled in, thank god, but i had just forgotten about him. Its honestly a miracle i still have this job, I've been forgetful on too many occasions. Especially over things i should know.

"Yes, Mr Richards," I start before getting cut of by him.

"Clive. Call me Clive"

"Clive," I smile through gritted teeth. "I have to pencilled in for two thirty. Is that still correct?"

"Yes, yes that's fine. although, i was wondering if I could bring my trainee Mr Thomas along with me?"

I pause, thinking about it, "I would have to ask my boss first"

"That's fine, give a call back when you have done so" And with that he hangs up. Rude.

I quickly type Mr Owen's number into the phone, praying that he says yes. I hate making his clients unhappy, even if it isn't my fault, it always comes out as if it is. 

"Emily" He says, as emotionless as ever.

"Boss, Mr Richards was hoping to bring a trainee along with him to the meeting"

"Allow it"

I let out a breath i wasn't even aware i was holding "Thank you boss"

"Is that all Emily?" He sounded strained, like saying more than two words was difficult for him.

"Yes, that's a-" He ended the call. Why are these business men so rude? Wy cant they just wait for me to finish my sentence?

I took a frustrated gulp of my coffee, massaging my temples before picking up the one to call Mr Richards again. Business men are always old and think they are better than everyone, Unfortunately for me, I'm the youngest employee out of all the genders. I am only 23 and  everyone else is middle age.

"Hello Clive, yes you can bring your trainee with you today"

"Perfect, me and Mr Thomas will be with you at two. Fashionably early" He let out an unnecessarily loud laugh at his play on words. Fashionably early, Fashion magazine, if i had a pound every time someone made that joke, i wouldn't have to work two jobs. 

I forced out a laugh "I get it , see you at two"

I hung up the phone quickly, not wanting to hear any more bad jokes about my low paying job. Its the sole reason i have two jobs and at this point, I'm getting more money from my bar job. At Harmony Enterprises, i get about £4.37 an hour and Bartending, i get £8.46 an hour including all of my tips that i make that night. 

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