20. The beach

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Emily's POV

It had been about a week since the incident and i was, still, shaken by it. Grayson was different now, he was more protective around other men and talked to me more then usual. Maybe something in him clicked?

When we were at home, he talked more and was slightly more affectionate. Well, affectionate by his standard, so i mean he was asking me if i want a drink if he was getting one himself. He would also put his hand on my leg if he was sat next to me. It was the simple things.

I was informed, by Piper, that the club had barred the guys from the club indefinitely. They were also kind enough to give their names and the footage to the police.

Their names were also given to me, which i was thankful for but the fact that one of the guys i knew from work, made it even more disturbing.

I should have recognised that voice, Jake, the new guy. He only comes in twice a werk and I've only had a handful of conversations with him. Maybe i didn't see him sat at the bar with his friends, or maybe i did and i was simply too stupid to care that he was.

I think what tives me the most shivers, is that he came from behind me. I saw no one walk next to me, so he came from nowhere. His touch still haunts me.


A low grumbled but soft toned voice broke me from my thoughts. 

"Are you okay?"

Shaking my head out of my thoughts, i turned to the source of the voice. I smiled as i made eye contact with Damien.

Taking a deep breath, i answered "Yeah, I'm okay"

I was okay now. I wasn't before. Being left alone with my scared thoughts was not a good idea, especially since i was now contemplating how to leave my job at the bar. I knew that they would understand, i just didn't want to explain exactly what happened. Especially if Jake was the one who picked up the phone, i wouldn't have the strength to speak in coherent sentences.

"In an effort to make you feel better," Damien started, pulling me up to standing from the sitting on the bed.

He wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a warm hug. His scent provided me with a comfort i couldn't describe, like when i was in his arms, the world couldn't get to me. Admittedly, i felt this way with all of my guys.

"We are taking you out for the day. So, get ready and meet us by the door in," He paused to look at his watch, making a short humming noise as he thought. "Half an hour? Is that acceptable?"

Honestly, i was already dressed and had make up on. All i needed to do was touch up what makenup i already had on and do my hair.

Oh no. I need to quit my job, before my shift tonight. Maybe i could get one of my guys to do it for me.

If i asked sweetly, maybe Hugo would do it. Hugo felt very strongly about making him pay for his actions and, when grumpy, he got his point across.

"The bar" I mumbled into his chest as he continued to pull me tight into his chest.

"Oh yeah," He cooed, running his hand soothingly through my hair "You can get someone else to call for you if you're not comfortable."

"Hugo" I mumbled again, knowing that he could still hear me.

I felt him nod in agreement. "Okay" He whispered as he pulled away slightly, our foreheads connected as he stared into my eyes.

As if on cue, Hugo made a dramatic appearance towards us, wrapping his arms around our still connected bodies. A loud booming laugh came from Damien that made me smile as my body shook from his laugh.

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