7. Shopping

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Hugo's POV

The drive to the store was short, but with the stop to Starbucks for drinks and breakfast, it was longer. I would usually object to going through a drive though but to see Emily's smile as she drank her coffee, i would do it everyday.

We pulled up outside the store and i was quick to jump out and get Emily's door, opening it for her with a smile.

"Thank you, kind sir" She giggled as i tensed subconsciously at the word. I had to learn how to control myself at her choice of words. I loved being called sir, it made me feel more in control. I was always in control but it felt ten times better with 'sir'. Luckily Emily didn't notice as she stepped out of the car but i caught Damien and Grayson smirking at me knowing i liked it.

I playfully rolled my eyes at them, wrapped my arm around Emily's shoulder, pulling her in to me. I was the protective type.

Stepping in to the store the heaters instantly warmed us up and Damien suggested that we split up so that it would be quicker.

"Good plan" I smiled as i held on to Emily, wanting to go around with her.

"You wanna come with me to get lady products?" She giggled, pushing her hair behind he ear.

"Yeah," I smiled at her, "I would be honoured"

We both laughed as we walked towards the bath and toiletries isle as Damien and Grayson walked to the bread isle.

"Tell me about Australia," She smiled up at me, making conversation "How scary where the spiders?"

"Huge and Hairy"

"Oh, so like you?" She laughed as i stopped walking, pouting slightly.

"Wow and to think i was beginning to like you" I put my hand on my heart dramatically to emphasize my pain.

"Okay apart from 'huge, hairy spiders' what else is there?" She asked still giggling me.

"Crowded beaches, lots of barbecues and kangaroos," I laughed shrugging my shoulders "I don't know"

"Sounds like a nice place" She smiled as she picked up a pack of tampons and put them in the basket.

"We'll take you some time," I smiled putting some toothpaste into the basket as well "It'll be a holiday"

She smiled in response, and reached her small frame up to the top shelf for the brand of deodorant that she wanted. It was cute and i took a quick picture of her before sending it to Damien and Grayson captioning it 'so cute'.

"Hey short stuff," I chuckled as i reached up for the deodorant for her "I got it"

"It's not my fault that you're so tall" She pouted as i put the deodorant in the basket.

"I'm only 6'5" She looked at me like she had seen a ghost.

"6'5! That's huge!" She gawked as i smirked at her.

Wanna see something else huge? I thought as i looked her up and down, giving her a wink as our eyes met again. Last time i winked at her she looked away shyly but this time she kept eye contact. She looked at my lips and then my eyes and then my lips again.

Her eyes snapped up to meet mine when i chuckled at her flustered face, nervous about being caught staring. Secretly, i didn't care that she was staring, i had been stealing looks at her all day.

Without thinking, i cupped her face with my hand and tilted it up to meet mine. Her breathing hitched as we stared in to each others eyes. I slowly started to move closer to her as she did the same and before i knew it she was kissing me.

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