15. Arrangements

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Grayson's POV

What. Is. Happening?

I couldn't say no. It would break her.

Why did she want me? Damien gives the better hugs. He's a naturally sweet and cuddly person, me however, i am not. Not anymore anyways.

Her small body fit perfectly in mine as she sat on my lap in the car. Her head burrowed in to my shoulder as she sat in the foetal position. She truly was tiny against me.

I felt her soft breaths as she shut her eyes, most likely as she fell back asleep.

I waited a couple of minutes to see if she was really asleep, and when her breaths became regular, i knew she was asleep and i could let myself relax.

I stared at her calm face, her hair was slightly messy, and her eye makeup had ran from Hugo eating her out.

She looked beautiful. And, as much as i hate to admit it, i was beginning to feel more at home with her by my side. I was far from telling Damien and Hugo this, they would ask too many questions. Questions i wouldn't answer. Not yet.

"Wouldn't have taken you for a hugger" Hugo mused as the car stopped at a red light, giving him the chance to look around at me.

"Me either" Damien piped in, chuckling at us as we sat in the back so that it wasn't immediately obvious she wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

"She looks peaceful" I said, looking down at her as she shuffled slightly in her sleep.

I heard a gasp and gazed up at Damien and Hugo who were looking at me with wide eyes. I simply rolled my eyes and looked back at Emily, a small smile threatening to form on my lips.

What? I can't say she looks peaceful? She does.

She cuddled further in to me and with Hugo and Damien talking in the front seat, i took the opportunity to pull her closer, inhaling her sweet scent like it was oxygen.

Now that she was ours, i had to battle my demons without her becoming suspicious. As easy as that sounds, the nightmares are getting worse and it's only a matter of time before i wake her up with my frantic screaming.

The night she stayed with us before we took her out, i had gone to the gym after i knew she was asleep and slept in my car. Then, in the early hours of the morning, 3 maybe 4, i went back home and had a shower like i had just woken up.

This was unfortunately a routine i knew all too well.

I hated the fact that my ex still had that much power of me, it's been ages and I'm still haunted by her wicked ways.

I can only hope that Emily doesn't change like she did.

The car stopped outside out apartment building and, seeing that Emily was waking up, i slipped back in to my disguise.

"Are we home?" She asked yawning, and stretching her legs as far as they could.

I nodded, looking out of the window.

"Master?" Her small, soft, teasing voice came from below me as she looked up at me.

Fuck. If i lacked the control i trained myself to have, i would have gotten hard right then and there.

My breath silently hitched, she knew what she was doing and so did i. She was using the name to get her own way. Smart girl.

I, however, am smarter. I looked down at her, unfazed by the name, seemingly catching her off guard by my calmness.

"I- i- um" She stumbled, not knowing what to say now she had my full undivided attention. Aww.

"Speak" I ordered, not breaking eye contact.

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