25. Punishment pt2*

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Emily's POV

My body jerked from Hugo's order, annoyance clear in his tone. I had been lost in imagination.

I was imagining what would happen to me in this room. After fighting them, talking back and spitting in Graysons face, my punishment would be bothing but nice.

All i wanted was more icecream and i had to go and be a brat about it. I had a feeling that i was due on, that's what prompted the fight and my attitude but i was too scared to tell them, the outcome wouldn't be any different. I was still rude.

As my arms lifted up way above my head, i heard Hugo make a sound of approval.

"Good girl, relax for us" Damien cooed, stepping infront of me, noticing my uneasy stare.

It was still crazy to me that the boy who i had a crush on all these years ago was now infront of me. He was no longer a boy either, he was a man, my man and he was helping his friends punish me.

My childhood dream of being with Damien and my sexual dream of having a dominant were moulding together and i couldn't be more happy.

Damien's large hand cupped my face, tilting me up to him for a kiss. The kiss was long, sensual and, if possible in this position, brought me to me knees. His tounge explored my mouth as he held my waist close to him.

This was clearly a way for me to let my  guard down as i didn't hear the swish from the paddle. I just felt it.

Pulling away from Damien, i let out a loud cry in pain, my eyes watering at the same time.

A dark chuckle came from behind me and i recognised it well, Grayson. Impact play was something i remember him saying that he liked.

"Be a good little slut and count the hits" He seethed, his hand running down my back landing at my ass and rubbing it better.

However much he rubbed it better, the sting still remained and i knew there would be another hit.

Grayson pulled away from me, and hit me again, my body leaning forward from the pain.

"One master" I cried, the tears now running down my face from the force behind the hits.

Grayson hit me again and again, not giving me much break inbetween.

Sometimes, he only left enough time for my breath to return, other times, he waited a couple of minutes. Each time though, i counted through my cries a pleas for a break.

I knew that begging wouldn't work but it was worth a try. Unless i said 'Blue', it wouldn't stop. Despite my cries and begs, i didn't want this to stop.

My ass was probably red and pink right now and fortunately, i couldn't see it. I knew it hurt, the tears running doen my face and the sweat dripping from Grayson was evidence enough.

"Did you like the pain, my pathetic little pain slut" Grayson whispered into my ear, sending chills through my body.

I felt Grayson take a step back, admiring his work.

"Spread your legs" Hugo growled from beside me.

I did as asked, my legs spreading for them. An ache formed in my upper leg muscles, luckily, the hook made it easier for me to stay upright.

My legs were spread just past shoulder width apart, with Damien still stood infront of me, Hugo to my right and Grayson behind me.

"Because you had so much to say earlier," Damien whispered to me, his arms running down to my hips, just above where i need him. "You aren't allowed to make any noise until told otherwise"

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