30. Why

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Emily's POV

Once again, I woke up in that same dark room. This time, no light comes from the window. But i could hear the wind from outside hitting against the glass. My guess was it was the next day and it was just bad weather. The weather here was pretty unpredictable.

I was unsure how long I was out before I woke up. It had to have been a while because my wounds had been covered with a thin bandage and looked dried up.

My face felt horrible, tears dried to my skin along with the blood from my arm. The numb feeling spread from my arm to my stomach, where she stabbed me. Each breath made me hurt more, and I let out a small yelp as I took a deep breath.

I felt my stomach rumble as I came too more, the noise making me jump. Along with my newfound hunger, each rumble made my mouth dry. I couldn't remember the last time I ate or drank anything.

I let my mind wander as I stared up at the celing, trying desperately to focus on something other than the dull ache coming from my wounds.

I wondered if they were looking for me, and if so, how long it would take.

I wondered who else knew about this and who else Angelina was working with.

As if planned, a loud bang came from the doorway. Angelina walked in slowly, carrying a paper plate and a small bottle.

As I watched her walk in, I took notice that she had dyed her hair. It was now pink with darker pink streaks. Personally, it looked nice, just not on her. I was, however, way too scared to say anything to her.

"Good morning!" Her chirpy voice greeted me. I glared at her.

She had no reason to be this happy, especially around me. After everything that happened the last time I was awake, she should be mad at me, hate me, or not talk to me at all. But, here she was, happy, chipper, and giving me food.

"I have something for you." She smiled, placing the food on the floor in front of me.

I looked down at the plate. She had made what looked like porridge and a small bottle of water. It was kind of her to feed me, and i was thankful because i had no idea if this would be a regular occasion or not.

Unfortunately for me, the food was on the floor and not on my lap. So I looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Figure it out," She answered my unspoken question before turning on her heels and walking towards the door.

"Oh and another thing," She started, standing in the doorway. "I'll be back in 5 minutes. Anything not eaten will be taken away."

My mouth opened in shock from her last statement. I had five minutes to somehow get to the floor and eat the food before she took it away.

I looked at the small plate in front of me, trying to figure out how to get down there safely. If I threw myself down, chair and all, it wouldn't have ended well.

The cut on my arm, although bandaged, well would bleed again if I hit the floor too hard.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I weighed up my options. I could either tilt the other side and hope I didn't get too hurt from the fall. Or, I could lean myself forward and use the porridge as a sort of pillow.

The third option I came up with was to tilt backward and use my back to take the fall, but I dismissed that as soon as I got it.

Taking the plunge, I leaned my body to the side, avoiding the arm with the cut. I tried my best to use my side to take the brunt of the fall, but my shoulder took the worst of the hit.

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