27. Warning

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Emily's POV

Today was the day that Piper and I planned to meet up. I always enjoyed seeing Piper, now that I wasn't working at the bar, it was more special to me when we saw each other. We had more to talk about; I had something important to tell her.

Nervous wasn't the correct word to describe my current feelings as I sat, hands in my lap, in the passenger seat of Grayson's car.

I watched as the other cars flew by, passing us as meer blurs. The people walking past us, probably on their way to work, I didn't envy them.

Letting out a sigh, I leaned back in thepassengers seat, my hands falling to my sides.

I noticed Grayson turn to me. The look he sent me from the driver side was one of empathy, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, atight-lippedd smile on his face. I sent him the same smile back before looking back out the window.

As I looked, my mind started to imagine what the passers by were thinking. I imagined that they were also hiding secrets from their partners; that they felt the same as I did. Maybe they had told their secret to a friend like I was to make them feel better.

I had a habit of doing this; imagining strangers in my position. It made me feel less alone and like it was okay.

Grayson knew something was bothering me. It had been for a short while. But, I had no way of communicating it to him or the others without sparking worry. The first person I wanted to speak to was Piper. Especially since the guys or Angelina had no real strong feelings for her, she was a somewhat neutral party.

"You okay?"

Grayson's deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and my head snapped up to meet his gaze. The car had stopped, we were parked outside of the cafe, i must have been so lost that I hadn't realized.

"Y-yeah," I stumbled to say, "I'm just tired."

I lied through my teeth at him, but there was no way I was going to tell him the truth. Not without telling Piper first.

Grayson looked at me for what felt like ages, his eyes scanning my face before nodding.

"Alright," He said, clearing his throat. "Have fun. Damien will pick you up. "

I nodded in response, "Okay, I'll let him know when we finish."

Grayson nodded once in response, taking one hand of the steering wheel to grab the back of my head.

As I was forcefully pulled into this kiss, I closed my eyes, excited to feel the softness of Grayson's lips.

His lips melted onto mine, moving perfectly in rhythm with the kiss. His tongue danced with mine as his grip on my hair got tighter. As the grip tightened, I had to restrain myself from letting out the small whimper that bubbled inside of me.
Grayson pulled away with a smirk, knowing what he was doing to me.

"Mean" I mumbled to him as I opened the door and got out of the car.

Turning back to face him, I watched as Grayson winked at me before turning his attention back to the road and sped off.

I let out a small, happy sigh. Now that I was here, I felt a little better.

The cafe was busy as I looked in through the window. There were small circular tables inside, varying in size and capacity, all of them decorated with white tablecloths.

The inside of the cafe was lit up by the small glass lights; the same ones that hung on the celing when it had first opened a few years back.

A small gold bell dinged as I pushed the wooden door open, the sound of quiet conversations filled the once empty air.

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