29. Scared

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Emily's POV

I groaned as I came to. My eyes were squinting as they adjusted to my new surroundings. Luckily, it didn't take long as the room i woke up in was dark.

The only source of light came from a small window near the celing to my right, like I was in a basement. Small patches of mold were by the window and a few spider webs dotted in the room.

A dripping aound came from somewhere in the room, and because the room was bare, it echoed. The floor was wet, which wasn't really a surprise, along with the fact I was missing most of my clothes.

The clothes I was wearing now were different. A long t-shirt and, from what I could feel, nothing underneath. Who took my clothes off?

I wondered how long I had been out as the blood from my nose had dripped onto my leg and dried. I noticed as well that I had new bruises and cuts on my body from what I could see. There were some new ones that looked as if they had had time to heal over.

A throbbing ache in my head kept me from opening my eyes fully as it helped with the pain. I don't remember being hit on the head.

I could smell the blood from my nose and head mixed with the salt from my tears. The room smelt so damp that I was sure there would be mold on the walls as well. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the walls as the room was so dark.

My hands were tied to the chair I was sitting on, as well as my legs tied to the chair legs, stopping me from moving. The rope tugged at my wrists as I tried to wiggle them into a more comfortable position.

I could already feel the burning feeling from the rope on my body, probably from whoever was getting me in the chair.

"Hello?" I croaked, my throat sore and aching with every sound.

No answer. Just the constant noise of the drip, dripping onto the self-made puddle underneath it.

"Please," my voice cracked as I begged to the open air, waiting for someone to hear me.

To my surprise, this time, someone heard me. A noise caught my attention from the far side of the room. The noise was loud in the echoey room, the sound sounding much louder than it probably was.


I was greeted by an obvious fake voice. It sounded like they had used a voice changer app to make their voice male or more male.

"You've been out for a while," the voice said again.

I let out a cry as I darted my head to my left. The mysterious voice appeared closer than last time.

"Glad you're awake,

The sudden closeness of the voice set my nerves alight. The hairs on my body stood on end as I listened. A dark, deep laugh erupted from the machine as well as the sound of a step forward. The heel clicked on the concrete floor, or what sounded like it, and I already had a feeling on what or who was behind all of this.

Angelina. She was the last person to see me before I woke up here, and, unfortunately for me, she hates me. She had every reason to do this to me. Although I had an eighty percent suspistion, it was her, I could ver well be wrong. Knowing my luck, it was a man wearing heels to throw me off.

Another agonizingly slow step forward and my suspicion was proven correct. Angelina was, in fact, behind this.

Her face emerged out of the darkness of the corner of the room, the same smirk on her face from the bathroom. Like it was the only expression she could muster, her smirk got bigger as she registered the fear on my face. It was as if seeing me like this was a drug to her, and there was no substitute.

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