18. Worry

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Hugo POV

Emily left with Piper about an hour ago and Damien was the most chill out of us. Admittedly, i had messaged her a fee times and ultimately had to put my phone in my room to stop myself from going too far.

Grayson filled the apartment with empty cans as he drank away his worries with the beers in the frigde. A cigarette was attatched to his lips as he smoked again.

I watched as Grayson once again walked over to the fridge to grab a cold beer from the fridge.

"Grab me one?" I shouted to him, a loud sigh from Grayson following.

"Yep" He said quickly, throwing a can to me from the kitchen.

I caught it easily, the cold can making me shiver as i opened it. To my surprise, he put out his cigarette and chucked it in the bin, walking over to us and sitting next to me.

"When is she coming home? I told her 12" Damien asked, looking at all of us.

Now that i think about it, she never gave us an estimated time for her return home. She just simply said bye and left giggling with Piper.

"She didn't say?" Grayson asked getting annoyed that she didn't tell us.

I had to admit i was also annoyed that she didn't at least give us an estimate, she could go out untill 5am for all i care. All i cared was that she was safe and we knew when to expect her returning home.

Messaging her was no use as her reply time was shocking, i had no idea how bad it would be if she was out drinking.

"Message Piper" I said, nodding at Damien. They went to school together so maybe they had each others numbers? It was a long shot but it was worth a try.

"I don't have her number" Damien shrugged, picking uo the remote control and switching the movie to something Grayson would like so he would stick around longer.

We had been watching 'Hot Fuzz' but the movie finished and 'Paul' had started playing. Me and Damien loved this movie but Grayson, not so much and if we wanted him to stay, we would have to turn it off.

Luckily, ' Dumb and Dumber' was on the other channel and had only started twenty or so minutes ago.

"You can't triple stamp a double stamp" I quoted, laughing along as the movie played, catching my attention.

"So, what?" Grayson asked, crossing his arms over his chest, leaning back on the sofa.

"We wait?" I suggested.

Grayson let out another sigh, it was clear he hated this. Waiting was not a strong point for him and he also hated not knowing things. 

I also knew that he was secretly begging Emily to break a rule or two so he could punish her for bad behaviour.

"She is going to be good i know it" I said confidently, noticing the silent worry that had taken over the room.

"She better be," Grayson grumbled "I don't want her first time with one of us to be a punishment"

I heard a almost silent sound of disagreement from Damien that caught our attention, both of us turning our heads in his direction.

"Did we say something wrong?" I asked, seeing Grayon narrow his eyes from beside me.

"No, no," Damien said shaking his head "It's just that when we went shopping, i fucked her in the changing room"

"You smug little-"

"Okay!" I shouted over Grayson, i was as annoyed as he was but i also knew that calling him names wasn't going to do anything.

Me and Damien both stood up, as he walked into the kitchen. I followed in, leaning against the counter, a smile on my face.

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