16. The Playroom

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Emily's POV


As much as i loved Piper she was too loud for early in the morning. Damien had fallen asleep and I'm guessing that Hugo was asleep in his room.

"Shhh please Piper," I hushed her as i my hands danced over Damiens toned chest.

He came in about an hour ago, fell asleep pretty quicky and, as long as i held him, he would stay asleep. My hold on him was conforting for the both of us.

His curly black hair was very messy, falling over his forehead as his hands lay on his chest. One of his hands held onto mine as i lightly stroked his thumb. His breathing was steady as he slept, his mouth slightly agape, soft snores coming out of his mouth.

I ,however, was no longer tired after the two naps i had. One at the club and one on the way home.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked Piper curiously, as i watched the sun rise from the window across from his bed.

"I rarely sleep, you know that," She laughed, "Can you come out with me tonight?"

It would be alot of fun. I haven't seen her since work, a night out drinking was well overdue and i missed her. Thinking about it, i made  sound of glanced down at Damien.

"I have to ask the guys" I argued,  laughing to myself.

He would let me go out, right? Maybe i should wait until they were all awake so i could ask them together?

Before, i could fully answer, Piper answered for me "You're coming. Whether they let you or not."

I chuckled, rolling my eyes playfully "You're going to get me in trouble."

"You're not in trouble" Damien mumbled, clearly listening into out conversation, morning voice evident as he spoke.

My legs involuntarily closed at his low, sleepy voice. His voice caught me by surprise, i shivered imagining what Hugo and Graysons voice sounded like, their voices being deeper and having an accent.

Stumbling over my words, i got lost in his blue, tired eyes as he stared up at me. "I-i was going to ask you"

"I know you were, my good little girl" He cooed, a small smirk playing on his lips "You can go"

Giggling, i put the phone on speaker and lent over the bed, wrapping my arms around Damien. I inhaled his intoxicating scent, feeling my body relax into his touch. As we hugged, i felt hom pull me away slightly, enough gap for him to tilt my head up, kissing my lips lightly.

"Hey lovebirds!" Pipers voice echoed from over the phone, making us laugh and pull away from eachother.

"Yes?" Damien asked as i buried my head into his shoulder, hiding the blush that had appeared on my face.

"I'm picking Emily up at 7" She stated bluntly before hanging up the phone.

"You hear that?" Damien asked, returning his attention to me, my head coming back up from his shoulder.

"Mhm" I whispered, pulling him into another kiss.

My hands wrapped around his neck, pulling his in, deepening the kiss. A loud groan came of Damiens mouth as i pulled his hair, a similar noise came from my mouth as his hands traveled down my back, grabbing hold of my ass, shocking me.

His hold on me grew tighter as i felt him stand up, my legs instantly wrapping around his torso to support myself.

As we stood, Damien smirked into the kiss and walked us slowly towards what i assumed was the wall.

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