8. Date

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Emily's POV

"Play Park?!" I shouted as i clapped my hands together, unable to contain my excitement.

"Mhm" Damien nodded at me, smiling.

I was the first time i had been to a theme park so i was the most excited out of all of us. Unbuckling my seatbelt, i jumped out of the car and jumped up and down waiting for then to get out and lock the car. I glanced at them observing their reactions Hugo was smiling at me, Damien was looking at the rides with wide eyes. Gray however looked less grumpy, which surprised me. He was looking towards the entrance, with a calmness in his eyes.

Deciding it was time to go, i walked towards the entrance, hearing the men chuckle behind me. I turned around as we reached the ticket man, i ran up to Damien and whispered "I left my purse at your house". He let out a chuckle before intertwining our fingers and walking us back towards the ticket man.

Hugo gave us a confused look as we walked and Damien was quick to say what i whispered aloud, despite me shaking my head.

"She's worried about money" He deadpanned. Great thanks Damien.

Grayson let out a low chuckle as Hugo answered "This is a date, princess. We will pay, let us treat you"

A date? Princess? My heart swelled from the nickname and i nodded my head before turning back around. 

The large gates welcomed us as we walked in and towards the ticket man, the sound of screams reached my ears making me smile wider, if that was even possible. 

"Hello!" The overly happy ticket girl beamed at us "How many and what age please" 

Before i got the chance to open my mouth, Damien answered for us "Four adults"

"How will you be paying?"  She flirted at Damien as she leaned closer to him, resting her elbows on the desk, in an obvious attempt to show her cleavage "Cash or card or.." Her voice trailed off. Ew.

Damien took no notice of the girl flirting with him and neither did Gray or Hugo as i heard both of them sigh from behind me. "Stop flirting with my boyfriends bitch" I spat as Hugo wrapped his arm around me protectively pulling me into him as he sent a harsh glare to the girl behind the desk. She stopped flirting almost instantly as i spoke, sinking back into the booth, looking down at her feet as Damien handed he his card. Glancing up at Hugo, i saw his gaze soften as he looked at me, shooting me a small smile. 

"There you go" She said looking at her computer, in a monotone voice. I liked her more now, With her eyes off my men. 

As we walked away Hugo's arm stayed wrapped around me and it made me feel safe. Like having three huge body guards. And although i didn't mean to say boyfriends, none of them protested it, they were all more them happy to play along even if this was just a date and nothing had been made permanent. Yet. 

As we walked in to the park, my eyes wandered, looking at all the different rides and attractions. There was unfamiliar pop music playing on the loud speakers making communicating with others difficult. Some of the rides had bright lights shining in all different directions trying to catch peoples attention. The smell of candy floss and pizza filled the air making me smile widely knowing i would want some later.

However, my eyes immediately zoned in on the Haunted Mansion ride and i used Hugo's hand to point to it.

He chuckled as he looked down at me. "You want a go?"

"Please" I begged, tugging on his arm.

He nodded his head as we took a left and joined the que for the ride. I was so excited, i was practically jumping up and down.

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