32. Morse code

795 25 2

Damien's POV

The door slammed shut as Grayson staggered into the house. This was not the first time he had come home drunk. His dislike of being blackout drunk long gone as he immediately went to the fridge for another drink.

After knowing him for so long, it hurt my heart to see him this distraught. Emily was his saving grace, and now she was gone. No trace, no calls, and no idea where she was.

Grayson hasn't been this broken for a long time, and seeing him cry like he did the day Emily never returned, it pained me. Grayson wasn't the kind of person to cry when he was upset. He just shut people out or walked away.

Hugo had tried his best to keep him hopeful and distracted over the last weeks, but it wasn't working.

The fridge light disappeared, leaving me alone in the dark. I sat on the sofa alone, in front of the television. The same television that we had watched so many movies with Emily was silent. Nothing felt the same with her not here.

Hugo took to his room after the incident, ashamed that he couldn't help her. Whilst I did understand this feeling, we all knew it wasn't his fault, really. It wasn't fair too place to blame on one singular person.

Last place she was seen as work, she walked into the bathroom by the security cameras and then nothing. The footage went black.

I think the reason Hugo felt responsible was because he was working that day. Hugo was less than 10 feet away from Emily. I did my best to console him, but he was stuck in his guilt.

What surprised me was what Hugo told us about Angelina. He had mentioned that she had a thing for Emily and not in a good way. Angelina was continuously picking on her either with nasty looks across the room or starting a fight with her in the staff room.

"Anything?" Hugo asked as he walked into the room.

I looked up from the floor, my gaze locking on his disheveled appearance. Hugo usually had a very well-kept appearance. But, with everything happening, he had let it slip. I don't blame him. This was a tough time for all of us, and we all had our ways of coping.

Grayson made a groaning noise, his head resting on the kitchen table. The last few drops of his alcohol bottle in one hand and the other hand on top of his head, running his own fingers through his head.

"Nothing," I answered my voice low.

Grayson made a sound of discomfort, his head probably hurting a lot from the alcohol.

"I can't believe we let something happen to her." Hugo copied my low tone, not wanting to upset grayson.

"You let something happen to her," Grayson said loudly, standing up from his chair, pointing an accusing finger at hugo.

Hugo's eyes widened.

"What?" His voice cracked as he spoke, disbelief clear as he talked to Grayson.

I watched as grayson threw himself at Hugo. Their large bodies collided with a thump, sending the pair of them directly to the floor. I knew there was no use in trying to break it up, so I just let it happen.

Sitting back on the sofa, I stared at them, and they fought. Groans came from each man as they both landed hits on each other. I was unfazed by this as this wasn't the first fight they had had since emily left.

The first fight they had was brutal, Grayson had really hurt Hugo. I had to take him to the hospital to get checked out. The biggest wound he had was a large cut on his face. Although the cut had mostly healed now, it still left a large scar.

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